The complex situation of Catholicism in Great Britain had results in their Colonies. |
英国天主教复杂的发展状况对殖民地产生了影响。 |
At the time of the American revolution, Catholics formed approximately 1.6% of the total American population of the original 13 colonies. |
在美国独立战争期间,天主教徒们在最初的13个殖民地广泛传教,美国人民中约有1.6%都信奉天主教。 |
If Catholics were seen as potential enemies of the British state, Irish Catholics, subject to British rule, were doubly-damned. |
如果将天主教视作英国政府的潜在敌对力量,那么受英国政府统治的爱尔兰基督徒们应该被更严重的谴责。 |
In Ireland they had been subject to British domination. |
爱尔兰曾经属于英国统辖。 |
In America Catholics were still forbidden from settling in some of the colonies. |
而在美国,天主教徒们不被允许进入部分殖民地。 |
Although the head of their faith dwelt in Rome, they were under the official representation of the Catholic Bishop of the London diocese, one James Talbot. |
虽然他们的宗教领袖居住在罗马,但实际上,他们的官方代表却是来自伦敦教区的天主教主教詹姆斯·托尔伯特。 |
When War began, Bishop Talbot declared his faithfulness to the British Crown. |
战争爆发之际,托尔伯特主教公开向英国皇室表示了他的忠诚。 |
(If he had done otherwise, Catholics in England would have been in trouble. Anti-Catholic sentiment still ran high.) |
(如果他不这样做,英格兰天主教将会陷入危险。当时的反天主教情绪仍然高涨不降。) |
He forbade any Colonial priest to serve Communion. |
他禁止让殖民地教区的牧师领取圣餐。 |
This made practice of the faith impossible. |
这种做法使得“传教”也无法进行。 |
This created sympathy for the Colonial rebels. |
这也让人们开始同情殖民地的反叛者。 |
The Continental Army's alliance with the French increased sympathy for the faith. |
法国陆军联盟的出现进一步助长了人们的同情心。 |
When the French fleet arrived in Newport, Rhode Island, the colony repealed the Act of 1664 and allowed citizenship to Catholics. |
当法国舰队抵达新港口时,殖民地政权撤销了1664年法案,并开始允许市民们信仰天主教。 |
(This anticipated the provision of the Constitutional Bill of Rights which would strike anti-Catholic laws from the books.) |
(这预示着《宪法权利法案》的条款将会把反天主教法规法典从法典中剔除出去。) |
After the war, the Pope created an American Bishop, John Carroll -- a descendant of the same Carrolls who had helped found Maryland -- and an American Diocese communicating directly with Rome. |
战后,教皇创建了一片与罗马直接对接的美国新教区,并为其任命了一名新主教——美国主教约翰·卡罗尔。他是协助建立马里兰州的卡罗尔家族的后代。 |
The British government commanded General Thomas Gage to enforce the Intolerable Acts and shut down the Massachusetts legislature. |
英国政府派遣托马斯·盖奇将军前往执行“不可容忍的法案”,并关闭了马赛诸塞州的立法机构。 |
Gage decided to confiscate a stockpile of colonial arms located in Concord. |
盖奇将军下令查收了位于康科德的殖民地武装库存。 |
On April 19, 1775, Gage's troops marched to Concord. |
1775年4月19日,盖奇将军率领部队进军康科德。 |
On the way, at the town of Lexington, Americans who had been warned in advance by Paul Revere and others of the British movements made an attempt to stop the troops. |
在莱克星顿市的沿途城镇,此前已被保罗·列维尔和其他英国人警告的美国人拼尽全力阻挡军队前进。 |
No one knows which side fired the first shot, but it sparked battle on Lexington Green between the British and the Minutemen. |
没有人知道究竟是哪一方打响了第一枪,但这一声枪声正式掀起了英国军队和美国义勇兵的“莱克星顿草原之战”。 |
Faced against an overwhelmingly superior number of British regular troops in an open field, the Minutemen were quickly routed. |
开阔的草原上,英国正规军队在人数上的压倒性优势凸显,而美国民兵们很快就被击溃了。 |
Nevertheless, alarms sounded through the countryside. |
即便如此,警报声响彻村庄遍野。 |
The colonial militias poured in and were able to launch guerrilla attacks on the British while they marched on to Concord. |
在英军向康科德进军的过程中,殖民地民兵们蜂拥而至,向英军发动游击式袭击。 |
The colonials amassed of troops at Concord. |
殖民地居民在康科德集结了大批军队, |
They engaged the British in force there, and they were able to repulse them. |
奋力与英军交战,并击退了他们。 |
They then claimed the contents of the armory. |
然后,他们要求英军归还军械库的物资。 |
The British retreated to Boston under a constant and withering fire from all sides. |
在四面八方不断猛烈的炮火攻势下,英国人不得不撤退到波士顿。 |
Only a reinforcing column with artillery support on the outskirts of Boston prevented the British withdrawal from becoming a total rout. |
在波士顿郊区,仅有一枚大炮支援的增援纵队使英军暂时免于彻底溃败。 |
The following day the British woke up to find Boston surrounded by 20,000 armed colonists, occupying the neck of land extending to the peninsula the city stood on. |
就在第二天,英国人一觉醒来,发现两万名殖民地民兵已经将波士顿城区包围,并占领了波士顿所在半岛的颈部地带。 |