Early childhood is a stage in human development. |
Iminyaka yobuntwana iyisigaba sokukhula komuntu. |
It generally includes toddlerhood and some time afterwards. |
Ngokuvamile kuhlanganisa ingane encane futhi ngemva kwalokho. |
Play age is an unspecific designation approximately within the scope of early childhood. |
Iminyaka yokudlala igama elingacacisiwe phakathi nendawo yobuntwana. |
Some age-related development periods and examples of defined intervals are: newborn (ages 0–5 weeks); infant (ages 5 weeks – 1 year); toddler (ages 1–3 years); preschooler (ages 3–5 years); school-aged child (ages 5–12 years); adolescent (ages 13–19). |
Ezinye izikhathi zokukhula ezihlobene neminyaka kanye nezibonelo zezikhawu ezichaziwe yilezi: usana olusanda kuzalwa (iminyaka engamaviki angu-0-5); usana (oluneminyaka engamaviki ama-5 - unyaka ongu-1); ingane (iminyaka engu-1-3); izingane zasenkulisa (iminyaka engu-3-5); ingane yesikole (iminyaka engu-5-12); intsha (iminyaka engu-13-19). |
Infants and toddlers experience life more holistically than any other age group. |
Izinsana nojahidada zithola ukuphila okuphelele kakhulu kunanoma iyiphi enye iminyaka yobudala. |
Social, emotional, cognitive, language, and physical lessons are not learned separately by very young children. |
Izifundo zezenhlalo, ezingokomzwelo, zengqondo, zolimi, nezomzimba azifundwa ngokwehlukana izingane ezincane kakhulu. |
Adults who are most helpful to young children interact in ways that understand that the child is learning from the whole experience, not just that part of the experience to which the adult gives attention. |
Abantu abadala abawusizo kakhulu ezinganeni ezincane basebenzelana ngezindlela eziqondayo ukuthi ingane ifunda kukho konke okuhlangenwe nakho, hhayi nje leyo ngxenye yokuhlangenwe nakho umuntu omdala ayinakayo. |
The most information learned occurs between birth and the age of three, during this time humans develop more quickly and rapidly than they would at any other point in their life. |
Ulwazi oluningi olufundwayo lwenzeka phakathi kokuzalwa kanye neminyaka emithathu, phakathi nalesi sikhathi abantu bakhula ngokushesha nangokushesha kunanoma isiphi esinye isikhathi ekuphileni kwabo. |
Love, affection, encouragement and mental stimulation from the parents or guardians of these young children aid in development. |
Uthando, uthando-lomzwelo, inkuthazo kanye nokuvuselelwa kwengqondo okuvela kubazali noma ababheki balezi zingane ezincane kuyasiza ekukhuleni. |
At this time in life, the brain is growing rapidly and it is easier for information to be absorbed; parts of the brain can nearly double in a year. |
Ngalesi sikhathi empilweni, ubuchopho bukhula ngokushesha futhi kulula ukuthi ulwazi lumunceke; izingxenye zobuchopho zingacishe ziphindeke kabili ngonyaka. |
During this stage, children need vital nutrients and personal interaction for their brain to grow properly. |
Phakathi nalesi sigaba, izingane zidinga imisoco ebalulekile nokusebenzelana komuntu siqu ukuze ubuchopho bazo bukhule ngendlela efanele. |
Children's brains will expand and become more developed in these early years. |
Ubuchopho bezingane buzokhula futhi buthuthuke kakhulu kule minyaka yokuqala. |
Although adults play a huge part in early childhood development, the most important way children develop is interaction with other children. |
Nakuba abantu abadala bedlala indima enkulu ekukhuleni kwezingane, indlela ebaluleke kakhulu izingane ezikhula zithuthuke ngayo ukuxhumana nezinye izingane. |
Children develop close relationships with the children they spend a large period of time with. |
Izingane zakha ubudlelwano obuseduze nezingane ezichitha isikhathi esiningi nazo. |
Close relationships with peers develop strong social connections that can be transferred later in life, even children at an early age have a preference of whom they want to interact with or form friendships with. |
Ubuhlobo obuseduze nontanga buthuthukisa ukuxhumana okuqinile komphakathi okungadluliselwa kamuva ekuphileni, ngisho nezingane zisencane zikhetha ukuthi ubani ezifuna ukusebenzelana naye noma zakhe ubungane. |
Howes (1983) research suggested that there are distinctive characteristics of friendships, for infants, toddler and pre-school aged children. |
Ucwaningo lukaHowes (1983) lwaveza ukuthi kunezici ezihlukile zobungane, ezinganeni-ezincane, ezisacathula kanye nezingane ezihamba inkulisa. |