Invent, design and develop a brand identity using our brand machine. |
品牌工厂可以用于构思、设计并发展品牌身份。 |
it’s a tool to create, define, relaunch a brand with perfection at every step. |
这是一个用于创造、规划及重塑品牌的详细指导工具。 |
We work across the three major layers that define the branding of a brand: its dna (Corporate) its substance (design-paCkaging-retail) and its aura (CommuniCation & marketing). |
我们将通过三个主要层面完成对品牌身份的设计:品牌内核(企业层面)、品牌主体(设计-包装-零售)以及品牌周边(市场及传播)。 |
The plan of action takes place around our brand machine which structures creation and development. |
品牌内核 |
长久以来,人们通过签名、印章来传承家族荣誉,象征团体延续,这恐怕是人类对图像最古老的使用方法。 |
Signing your name, promoting family and brotherhood, and printing your seal are probably the oldest graphic actions that have lasted over time. |
徽章,作为承载故事的一种方式,常常由简单的图形构成。 |
Coats of arms are a form of story-telling using simple images like pictograms, and like symbols they have several meaning and destinies. |
它们成为一种符号,传达出不同的含义,甚至拥有了不同的命运。 |
Modern logotypes contribute to the communication and legibility of a brand and are used across all aspects of branding. |
现代商标在品牌信息传递和辨识度构建方面起到不可忽视的作用,因而被广泛应用于品牌的各个方面。 |
For us, a brand’s DNA is the ability of a brand to possess a unique personality and soul. |
对我们来说,品牌内核是一个品牌构建个性和灵魂的能力。 |
Our job is to humanise a brand. |
我们的责任,是将品牌具象化。 |
In fact, brands grow like us: from birth, through childhood to maturity. |
事实上,一个品牌会像人类一样历经不同的成长阶段:诞生,幼年,直到成熟。 |
However, unlike humans, brands have the capacity to be reborn. |
然而,与人类不同的是,品牌可以重生。 |
We can consider them immortal: even when lost or forgotten, brands can make outstanding comebacks and be new fashion inspirations. |
我们甚至可以认为,品牌是不死的:即使被遗忘,一个品牌也可以涅槃重生,成为新的时尚风向标。 |
Substance |
产品实体 |
Material objects and products, elements that brave time and fashion, all come from design and represent what we know as the trademark’s history. |
源自特定设计的物质实体、元素和产品能够展现出某个时代的特色和流行风尚,它们代表了我们所知的商标的历史。 |
Luxury goods or premium brands are structured around physical artefacts. |
任何奢侈品牌或高端品牌,无一不是围绕物质的人工制品构建而成的。 |
Iconic and desirable objects that build the strength of a brand: product design. |
那些标志性的、吸引人的产品构成了一个品牌的实力:产品设计。 |
The brand’s material carries the ethics of the brand and lasts through fashion seasons. |
品牌使用的材料蕴含了它的道德伦理观,这种伦理观能够穿越时光,跨越一个个时尚流行季。 |
This has been the core of our savoir-faire since 1985. |
自1985年以来,产品设计便是我们始终秉持的核心能力。 |
The creative competences we have acquired, give us the possibility to create a brand with its own unique style. |
在产品上的独到创新,使得我们有能力为品牌创造独特的风格。 |
Nowadays, design is a multidisciplinary language with no limits. |
如今,设计是跨学科、无边界的全球通用语言。 |
Whether it’s a one-of-a-kind piece or produced in series, functional or visual, showcased in a gallery or as street art. |
无论是单一设计还是系列产品,无论是注重功能性还是注重视觉性,无论是画廊中的陈列品还是街头上的艺术。 |
Design is used everywhere from packaging to shop windows. |
从包装到橱窗,设计无所不在。 |
The scale changes but the spirit stays the same. |
改变的是设计的规模,不变的是设计的精神。 |