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I am a professional and competent Swahili translator and interpreter. For a period nearly 5 years, I have been doing translation and interpretation together with proofreading and editing. My fields of expertise include but not limited to science, religion (Christianity) and academics.
*Wymienione stawki to ogólny zakres kwot dla tego tłumacza. Każdy projekt jest inny, a na cenę tłumaczenia wpływają różne czynniki — złożoność tekstu źródłowego, format pliku, ostateczny termin wykonania itd. Aby otrzymać bardziej dokładną wycenę, proszę skontaktować się z tym tłumaczem, podając szczegóły zlecenia. Dla zachowania spójności stawki na TM-Town zawsze podawane są w dolarach amerykańskich (USD). Tłumacz może mieć inną preferowaną walutę.
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Moje dokumenty
Przykładowe tłumaczenie Religion
Religion Przykładowe tłumaczenie
Tekst źródłowy (English) | Tekst docelowy (Swahili (generic)) |
In Christian communities, Bible study is the study of the Bible by ordinary people as a personal religious or spiritual practice. | Katika jumuiya za Kikristo, usomaji wa Biblia ni kujifunza Biblia kwa watu wa kawaida kama desturi binafsi ya kidini au ya kiroho. |
Some denominations may call this devotion or devotional acts; however in other denominations devotion has other meanings. | Baadhi ya madhehebu yanaweza kuita hii ibada au matendo ya ibada; hata hivyo katika madhehebu mengine ibada ina maana nyingine. |
Bible study in this sense is distinct from biblical studies, which is a formal academic discipline. | Usomaji wa Biblia wa maana hii ni tofauti na masomo ya Biblia, ambayo ni taaluma rasmi ya kitaaluma. |
In Evangelical Protestantism, the time set aside to engage in personal Bible study and prayer is sometimes informally called a Quiet Time. | Katika Uprotestanti wa Kiinjilisti, wakati uliowekwa kando ili kushiriki katika funzo binafsi la Biblia na sala nyakati fulani huitwa kwa njia isiyo rasmi Wakati wa Utulivu. |
In other traditions personal Bible study is referred to as "devotions". | Katika desturi nyingine funzo binafsi la Biblia linajulikana kama "ibada". |
Catholic devotions and Anglican devotions both employ the Lectio Divina method of Bible reading. | Ibada za Kikatoliki na ibada za Kianglikana zote zinatumia mbinu ya Lectio Divina ya usomaji wa Biblia. |
Christians of all denominations may use Study Bibles and Bible Reading notes to assist them in their personal Bible studies. | Wakristo wa madhehebu yote wanaweza kutumia Biblia za Masomo na maelezo ya Kusoma Biblia ili kuwasaidia katika mafunzo yao binafsi ya Biblia. |
However, the use of such aids is discouraged in many churches, which advocate the simple reading of Bible passages. | Hata hivyo, utumizi wa misaada hiyo haushauriwi katika makanisa mengi, ambayo yanatetea usomaji rahisi wa vifungu vya Biblia. |
In some cases, the practice of reading through the entire Bible in a year is followed, this usually requires readings each day from both the Old and New Testament. | Katika baadhi ya matukio, mazoezi ya kusoma Biblia nzima kwa mwaka hufuatwa, hii kwa kawaida huhitaji usomaji wa kila siku kutoka Agano la Kale na Jipya. |
This practice, however, has been widely criticised on the basis that the understanding gained of each specific passage is too vague. | Tabia hii, hata hivyo, imekosolewa sana kwa msingi kwamba uelewa unaopatikana wa kila kifungu mahususi haueleweki sana. |
The association of Bible study and prayer is an important one. | Ushirikiano wa kujifunza Biblia na sala ni jambo muhimu. |
Christians do not merely study the Bible as an academic discipline, but with the desire to know God better. | Wakristo hawasomi tu Biblia kama utaalamu wa kitaaluma, bali kwa hamu ya kumjua Mungu zaidi. |
Therefore, they frequently pray that God will give them understanding of the passage being studied. | Kwa hiyo, mara kwa mara wanaomba kwamba Mungu awape ufahamu wa kifungu kinachosomwa. |
They also consider it necessary to consider what they read with an attitude of respect, rather than the critical attitude which is frequently followed in formal study. | Pia wanaona kuwa ni muhimu kuzingatia kile wanachosoma kwa mtazamo wa heshima, badala ya mtazamo wa kukosoa ambao hufuatwa mara kwa mara katika masomo rasmi. |
To them, the Bible is not just a sacred book, but is the very Word of God, that is, a message from God which has direct relevance to their daily lives. | Kwao, Biblia si kitabu kitakatifu tu, bali ni Neno lenyewe la Mungu, yaani, ujumbe kutoka kwa Mungu ambao una umuhimu wa moja kwa moja kwa maisha yao ya kila siku. |
Przykładowe tłumaczenie Education
Education Przykładowe tłumaczenie
Tekst źródłowy (English) | Tekst docelowy (Swahili (generic)) |
Technology plays an increasingly significant role in improving access to education for people living in impoverished areas and developing countries. | Teknolojia ina jukumu kubwa katika kuboresha upatikanaji wa elimu kwa watu wanaoishi katika maeneo maskini na nchi zinazoendelea. |
Charities like One Laptop per Child are dedicated to providing infrastructures through which the disadvantaged may access educational materials. | Misaada kama vile ya Kompyuta Moja kwa kila Mtoto imejitolea kutoa miundombinu ambayo kwayo wasiojiweza wanaweza kupata nyenzo za elimu. |
The OLPC foundation, a group out of MIT Media Lab and supported by several major corporations, has a stated mission to develop a $100 laptop for delivering educational software. | Shirika la OLPC, kikundi kutoka MIT Media Lab kikiungwa mkono na mashirika kadhaa makubwa, ina dhamira iliyotamkwa ya kuunda kompyuta ndogo ya $100 kwa ajili ya kupeana programu ya kielimu. |
The laptops were widely available as of 2008. | Kompyuta za mkononi zilipatikana kwa wingi kufikia mwaka wa 2008. |
They are sold at cost or given away based on donations. | Zinauzwa kwa gharama au kutolewa kulingana na michango. |
In Africa, the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) has launched an "e-school program" to provide all 600,000 primary and high schools with computer equipment, learning materials and internet access within 10 years. | Barani Afrika, Ushirikiano Mpya wa Maendeleo ya Afrika (NEPAD) umezindua "programu ya shule za kielektroniki" ili kuzipa shule zote 600,000 za msingi na upili vifaa vya kompyuta, vifaa vya kujifunzia na ufikiaji wa mtandao ndani ya miaka 10. |
An International Development Agency project called nabuur.com, started with the support of former American President Bill Clinton, uses the Internet to allow co-operation by individuals on issues of social development. | Mradi wa Shirika la Maendeleo la Kimataifa uitwao nabuur.com, ulioanza kwa kuungwa mkono na Rais wa zamani wa Marekani Bill Clinton, unatumia mtandao kuruhusu ushirikiano wa watu binafsi katika masuala ya maendeleo ya kijamii. |
India is developing technologies that will bypass land-based telephone and Internet infrastructure to deliver distance learning directly to its students. | India inaunda teknolojia ambayo itaivuka miundombinu ya simu na mtandao ya ardhini ili kutoa mafunzo ya masafa moja kwa moja kwa wanafunzi wake. |
In 2004, the Indian Space Research Organisation launched EDUSAT, a communications satellite providing access to educational materials that can reach more of the country's population at a greatly reduced cost. | Mnamo 2004, Shirika la Utafiti wa Anga la India lilizindua EDUSAT, satelaiti ya mawasiliano inayotoa ufikiaji wa nyenzo za kielimu ambazo zinaweza kufikia idadi kubwa ya watu nchini kwa gharama iliyopunguzwa sana. |
Przykładowe tłumaczenie Religion
Religion Przykładowe tłumaczenie
Tekst źródłowy (English) | Tekst docelowy (Swahili (generic)) |
God is a mystery that is experienced best when enlightened. | Mungu ni fumbo ambalo hupatikana vyema zaidi linapoangazwa. |
We can only say that it is good to live in God. | Tunaweza kusema tu kuwa ni vizuri kuishi katika Mungu. |
It is better to be enlightened than not enlightened. | Ni bora kuangazwa kuliko kutoangazwa. |
Enlightenment is the deeper purpose of life. | Mwangaza ni kusudi la kina la maisha. |
Through enlightenment, we reach the kingdom of God. | Kupitia mwangaza, tunafikia ufalme wa Mungu. |
Enlightenment means inner peace, inner happiness and all-encompassing love for all beings. | Mwangaza unamaanisha amani ya ndani, furaha ya ndani na upendo unaojumuisha wote kwa viumbe vyote. |
An enlightened person lives in God. | Mtu mwenye nuru anaishi ndani ya Mungu. |
He or she sees God as a kind of light in the world. | Yeye humwona Mungu kama aina ya nuru ulimwenguni. |
He or she feels God in him or herself and around him or herself. | Anamuhisi Mungu ndani yake na karibu naye. |
He or she feels God as inner happiness, inner peace and inner strength and is aware that he or she is in a higher truth that can only be described as universal love. | Anamuhisi Mungu kama furaha ya ndani, amani ya ndani na nguvu ya ndani na anajua kuwa yuko katika ukweli wa hali ya juu ambao unaweza kuelezewa tu kama upendo wa ulimwengu wote. |
In each of the major religions, there are varied definitions of God. | Katika kila moja ya dini kuu, kuna ufafanuzi anuwai wa Mungu. |
In the religions we also find the personal and abstract term of God. | Katika dini pia tunapata neno binafsi na la kufikirika la Mungu. |
Many enlightened mystics think of God as a person and some others as a higher dimension in the cosmos. | Mafumbo mengi yaliyoangaziwa hufikiria Mungu kama mtu na wengine kwa kipimo cha juu katika ulimwengu. |
In Buddhism and in Hinduism the abstract term of God dominates. | Katika Ubudha na Uhindu neno la Mungu la kufikirika linatawala. |
In Buddhism, the highest principle is called Nirvana and in Hinduism it’s called Brahman. | Katika Ubudha, kanuni ya juu kabisa inaitwa Nirvana na katika Uhindu inaitwa Brahman. |
Jesus referred to God as father. | Yesu alimtaja Mungu kama Baba. |
Moses referred to God more in an abstract fashion. | Musa alimtaja Mungu zaidi kwa njia isiyo ya kawaida. |
His central definition of God was described with the words “I am.” | Ufafanuzi wake mkuu wa Mungu ulielezewa na maneno "mimi niko." |
These words refer to God as a happy state of being where one experiences enlightenment. | Maneno haya yanamrejelea Mungu kama hali ya furaha ya kuwa mahali ambapo mtu hupata mwangaza. |
In the words “I am” we find the main way to enlightenment. | Katika maneno "mimi niko" tunapata njia kuu ya kuangazwa. |
People need to develop a cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the unity of all things. | Watu wanahitaji kukuza ufahamu wa ulimwengu, ufahamu wa umoja wa vitu vyote. |
Thus the ego consciousness is lost. | Kwa hivyo ufahamu wa kiburi unapotea. |
Then one experiences pure consciousness, is one with everything and can only say: “I am.” | Halafu mtu hupata fahamu safi, ni mmoja mwenye kila kitu na anaweza kusema tu: "Mimi niko." |
He or she cannot say “I am so and so.” | Hawezi kusema "mimi ni hivi na hivi." |
He or she identifies with everything and everyone and is personally nothing and is simply consciousness. | Yeye hujitambulisha na kila kitu na kila mtu na yeye binafsi sio chochote na ni ufahamu tu. |
God as a being who can take action helps us along the spiritual way. | Mungu kama kiumbe anayeweza kuchukua hatua hutusaidia katika njia ya kiroho. |
All enlightened beings are an incarnation of God. | Viumbe vyote vilivyoangaziwa ni mwili wa Mungu. |
If you connect with God or an enlightened being daily, you will be lead in the light. | Ukiungana na Mungu au kiumbe chenye nuru kila siku, utakuwa unaongozwa katika nuru. |
Przykładowe tłumaczenie Academic
Academic Przykładowe tłumaczenie
Tekst źródłowy (English) | Tekst docelowy (Swahili (generic)) |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. | Elimu Isiyo rasmi ni neno la jumla kwa elimu ambalo linaweza kutokea nje ya mtaala ulioandaliwa. |
Informal Education encompasses student interests within a curriculum in a regular classroom, but is not limited to that setting. | Elimu isiyo rasmi inajumuisha masilahi ya mwanafunzi ndani ya mtaala katika darasa la kawaida, lakini sio tu kwa mpangilio huo. |
It works through conversation, and the exploration and enlargement of experience. | Inafanya kazi kupitia mazungumzo, na uchunguzi na upanuzi wa uzoefu. |
Sometimes there is a clear objective link to some broader plan, but not always. | Wakati mwingine kuna muunganiko wa wazi wa lengo kwa mpango fulani mpana, lakini sio kila wakati. |
The goal is to provide learners with the tools he or she needs to eventually reach more complex material. | Lengo ni kuwapa wanafunzi vifaa anavyohitaji ili hatimaye kufikia nyenzo tata zaidi. |
It can refer to various forms of alternative education, such as: Unschooling or homeschooling, Autodidacticism (Self-teaching), Youth work, and Informal learning | Inaweza kurejelea aina mbalimbali za elimu mbadala, kama vile: Kutokwenda shule au shule ya nyumbani, Kujifundisha, Kazi za vijana, na mafunzo yasiyo rasmi. |
Informal Education consists of accidental and purposeful ways of collaborating on new information. | Elimu isiyo rasmi inajumuisha njia za bahati mbaya na za makusudi za kushirikiana kwenye habari mpya. |
[2] It can be discussion based and focuses on bridging the gaps between traditional classroom settings and life outside of the classroom. | [2] Inaweza kuwa majadiliano ya msingi na inazingatia kuziba mapengo kati ya mipangilio ya jadi ya darasa na maisha nje ya darasa. |
People interpret information differently, and therefore a structured curriculum may not allow all learners to understand the information. | Watu hutafsiri habari tofauti, na kwa hivyo mtaala ulioandaliwa hauwezi kuruhusu wanafunzi wote kuelewa habari hiyo. |
Informal education is less controlled than the average classroom setting, which is why informal education can be so powerful. | Elimu isiyo rasmi inadhibitiwa kidogo kuliko mpangilio wa wastani wa darasani, ndiyo maana elimu isiyo rasmi inaweza kuwa na nguvu sana. |
Informal education can help individuals learn to react to and control different situations and settings. | Elimu isiyo rasmi inaweza kusaidia watu kujifunza kuitikia na kudhibiti hali na mazingira tofauti. |
In addition, it combines social entities that are important for learning. | Aidha, inachanganya vyombo vya kijamii ambavyo ni muhimu kwa kujifunza. |
Informal Education may be viewed as the learning that comes as a part of being involved in youth and community organizations. | Elimu isiyo rasmi inaweza kuchukuliwa kama mafunzo ambayo huja kama sehemu ya kuhusishwa katika mashirika ya vijana na jamii. |
This type of education is a spontaneous process, which helps people to learn information in a new way. | Aina hii ya elimu ni mchakato huria, ambao husaidia watu kujifunza habari kwa njia mpya. |
Its helps to cultivate communities, associations and relationships that make for a positive learning environment. | Husaidia kukuza jamii, vyama na mahusiano ambayo hufanya mazingira mazuri ya kujifunza. |
Informal Education: | Elimu isiyo rasmi: |
- Looks to create or deepen situations where people can learn, explore and enlarge experiences, and make changes. | - Inaonekana kujenga au kuimarisha hali ambapo watu wanaweza kujifunza, kuchunguza na kupanua uzoefu, na kufanya mabadiliko. |
- Provides an environment where everyone can learn together and can scaffold off of one another. | - Hutoa mazingira ambapo kila mtu anaweza kujifunza pamoja na kutokuwa kiunzi kwa mtu mwingine. |
- Understanding that the activity can be based on any form of learning, the teaching does not have to be deliberate, more so implied. | - Kwa kuelewa kwamba shughuli inaweza kutegemea aina yoyote ya ujifunzaji, si lazima ufundishaji uwe wa kimakusudi, unaodokezwa zaidi. |
We give students the tools to do complex materials over time, rather than teaching the complex material and then giving the tools. | Tunawapa wanafunzi zana za kufanya nyenzo tata kwa muda, badala ya kufundisha nyenzo tata na kisha kutoa zana. |
- Focuses on the social aspects of learning, and how important collaborative learning is. | - Inalenga katika nyanja za kijamii za kujifunza, na jinsi ambavyo kujifunza kwa kushirikiana ni muhimu. |
- The tools students are given are tangible for the processes in which they will be applied. | - Zana wanafunzi wanazopewa ni dhahiri kwa ajili ya taratibu ambazo zitakuwa zikitumika. |
- Bridges the gap between school and life. | - Inaunganisha pengo kati ya shule na maisha. |
- Allows students a choice in learning, and how to approach the material. | - Inawapa wanafunzi uchaguzi katika kujifunza, na jinsi ya kukabili nyenzo. |
- Make learning accessible in every day life and in the future. | - Kufanya kujifunza kupatikane katika maisha ya kila siku na katika siku zijazo. |
- Informal Education is driven by conversation and interacting with others. | - Elimu isiyo rasmi inaendeshwa na mazungumzo na kuingiliana na wengine. |
Przykładowe tłumaczenie Academic
Academic Przykładowe tłumaczenie
Tekst źródłowy (English) | Tekst docelowy (Swahili (generic)) |
Business ethics (also known as corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. | Maadili ya biashara (pia inajulikana kama maadili ya ushirika) ni aina ya maadili yaliyotumika au maadili ya kitaaluma ambayo huchunguza kanuni za maadili na matatizo ya kimaadili au ya kimaadili ambayo hutokea katika mazingira ya biashara. |
It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations. | Inatumika kwa nyanja zote za mwenendo wa biashara na ni muhimu kwa mwenendo wa watu binafsi na mashirika yote. |
These ethics originate from individuals, organizational statements or from the legal system. | Maadili haya yanatokana na watu binafsi, taarifa za shirika au kutoka kwa mfumo wa kisheria. |
These norms, values, ethical, and unethical practices are what is used to guide business. | Kanuni hizi, tunu, maadili, na vitendo visivyo na maadili ni kile kinachotumiwa kuongoza biashara. |
They help those businesses maintain a better connection with their stakeholders. | Inasaidia biashara hizo kudumisha uhusiano bora na wadau wao. |
Business ethics refers to contemporary organizational standards, principles, sets of values and norms that govern the actions and behavior of an individual in the business organization. | Maadili ya biashara inahusu viwango vya kisasa vya shirika, kanuni, seti za maadili na kanuni zinazosimamia vitendo na tabia ya mtu binafsi katika shirika la biashara. |
Business ethics have two dimensions, normative or descriptive. | Maadili ya biashara ina mielekeo miwili, ya kawaida au ya maelezo. |
As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. | Katika mazoezi ya ushirika na utaalam wa kazi, uwanja kimsingi ni wa kawaida. |
Academics attempting to understand business behavior employ descriptive methods. | Wasomi wanaojaribu kuelewa tabia ya biashara hutumia mbinu za maelezo. |
The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the interaction of profit-maximizing behavior with non-economic concerns. | Aina na wingi wa masuala ya kimaadili ya biashara yanaonyesha mwingiliano wa tabia ya kuongeza faida na wasiwasi usio wa kiuchumi. |
Interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. | Nia ya maadili ya biashara iliongezeka sana wakati wa miaka ya 1980 na 1990 ndani ya mashirika makubwa na ndani ya wasomi. |
For example, most major corporations today promote their commitment to non-economic values under headings such as ethics codes and social responsibility charters. | Kwa mfano, mashirika mengi makubwa leo yanakuza kujikita kwao katika maadili yasiyo ya kiuchumi chini ya vichwa kama vile kanuni za maadili na mikataba ya uwajibikaji wa kijamii. |
Adam Smith said, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices." | Adam Smith alisema, "Watu wa biashara hiyo hiyo mara chache hukutana pamoja, hata kwa ajili ya furaha na muachano, lakini mazungumzo huishia katika njama dhidi ya umma, au katika mipango ya kuongeza bei." |
Governments use laws and regulations to point business behavior in what they perceive to be beneficial directions. | Serikali hutumia sheria na kanuni kuonyesha tabia ya biashara katika kile wanachokiona kuwa maelekezo ya manufaa. |
Ethics implicitly regulates areas and details of behavior that lie beyond governmental control. | Maadili yanadhibiti maeneo na undani wa tabia ambayo iko zaidi ya udhibiti wa serikali. |
The emergence of large corporations with limited relationships and sensitivity to the communities in which they operate accelerated the development of formal ethics regimes. | Kuibuka kwa mashirika makubwa yenye uhusiano mdogo na unyeti kwa jamii ambazo zinafanya kazi kuliharakisha maendeleo ya utawala rasmi wa maadili. |
Przykładowe tłumaczenie Religion
Religion Przykładowe tłumaczenie
Tekst źródłowy (English) | Tekst docelowy (Swahili (generic)) |
Numbers 10:31 But Moses said, 'Please do not leave us. | Hesabu 10:31 Naye akamwambia, Usituache, tafadhali; kwa kuwa wewe wajua jinsi tutakavyopanga nyikani, nawe utakuwa kwetu badala ya macho. |
Hobab knew the land that Israelites where supposed to encamp, he also knew about the cloud and pillar of fire which directed their steps and determined where they were supposed to march, Hobab was supposed to show them the conveniences and inconveniences of the places where they marched through and encamped, so that they could make the best use of the conveniences, and the best fence against the inconveniences. | Hobab alijua nchi ambayo Waisraeli walipaswa kupiga kambi, pia alijua kuhusu wingu na nguzo ya moto ambayo ilielekeza hatua zao na kuamua wapi walipaswa kufanana, Hobab alitakiwa kuwaonyesha urahisi na usumbufu wa maeneo ambapo walipita na kupiga kambi, ili waweze kutumia vizuri zaidi urahisi, na uzio bora dhidi ya usumbufu. |
This consists much of our trust in God's providence to make use of the help we get from our friends to the things which they are capable of being serviceable to us. | Hii ina mengi yahusuyo imani yetu katika utoaji wa Mungu kutumia msaada tunaopata kutoka kwa marafiki zetu hadi vitu ambavyo wanaweza kuwa na uwezo wa kutuhudumia. |
Even those who are led by miracle must not slight the ordinary means of directions. | Hata wale ambao wanaongozwa na muujiza hawapaswi kupunguza njia za kawaida za maelekezo. |
We're to serve one another with the skills, experience and the money God has given unto us during our time, the privileges that we have should not be used for selfish gratification but for the glory of God and the benefit of those around us. | Tunapaswa kutumikiana kwa ujuzi, uzoefu na pesa ambazo Mungu ametupatia wakati wetu, haki ambazo hatujapaswa kutumiwa kwa ajili ya kuridhika kwa utukufu binafsi lakini kwa utukufu wa Mungu na faida ya wale walio karibu nasi. |
In this end of time what service do you offer to the world that awakens others on the Hope of Jesus's coming? | Katika mwisho huu wa wakati ni huduma gani unayotoa kwa ulimwengu ambayo inaamsha wengine juu ya Tumaini la kuja kwa Yesu? |
Use what you have wisely. | Tumia kile ulicho nacho kwa busara. |
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