God is a mystery that is experienced best when enlightened. |
Mungu ni siri fahamu vizuri ukiwa na uzoefu |
We can only say that it is good to live in God. |
Tunaweza kusema tu kuwa ni vizuri kuishi katika Mungu.
It is better to be enlightened than not enlightened. |
Ni bora kuelimishwa kuliko kutoangazwa. |
Enlightenment is the deeper purpose of life. |
Fahamu ni kusudi la kina la maisha. |
Through enlightenment, we reach the kingdom of God. |
Kupitia fahamu, tunafikia ufalme wa Mungu. |
Enlightenment means inner peace, inner happiness and all-encompassing love for all beings. |
Mwangaza unamaanisha amani ya ndani, furaha ya ndani na upendo unaojumuisha wote kwa viumbe vyote. |
An enlightened person lives in God. |
Mtu mwenye nuru anaishi ndani ya Mungu. |
He or she sees God as a kind of light in the world. |
Yeyote humwona Mungu kama aina ya nuru ulimwenguni |
He or she feels God in him or herself and around him or herself. |
Anahisi Mungu ndani yake na karibu naye. |
He or she feels God as inner happiness, inner peace and inner strength and is aware that he or she is in a higher truth that can only be described as universal love. |
Anayehisi Mungu kama furaha ya ndani, amani ya ndani na nguvu ya ndani na anajua kuwa yuko katika ukweli wa hali ya juu ambao unaweza kuelezewa tu kama upendo wa ulimwengu wote. |
In each of the major religions, there are varied definitions of God. |
Katika kila dini kuu, kuna ufafanuzi wa Mungu katika aina mbali mbali |
In the religions we also find the personal and abstract term of God. |
Katika dini tunapata pia neno la kibinafsi na la kufikirika juu ya Mungu. |
Many enlightened mystics think of God as a person and some others as a higher dimension in the cosmos. |
Mafumbo mengi yaliyoangaziwa hufikiria Mungu kama mtu na wengine kama mwelekeo wa juu katika ulimwengu. |
In Buddhism and in Hinduism the abstract term of God dominates. |
Katika Ubudha na katika Uhindu neno la Mungu linatawala.
In Buddhism, the highest principle is called Nirvana and in Hinduism it’s called Brahman. |
Katika Ubudha, kanuni ya juu kabisa inaitwa Nirvana na katika Uhindu inaitwa Brahman.
Jesus referred to God as father. |
Yesu alimtaja Mungu kama baba.
Moses referred to God more in an abstract fashion. |
Musa alimtaja Mungu zaidi kwa njia isiyo ya kawaida.
His central definition of God was described with the words “I am.” |
Ufafanuzi mkuu wa Mungu ulielezewa na maneno "mimi ndiye."
These words refer to God as a happy state of being where one experiences enlightenment. |
Maneno haya humtaja Mungu kama hali ya furaha na kuwa mahali ambapo mtu hupata mwangaza.
In the words “I am” we find the main way to enlightenment. |
Katika maneno "mimi ndimi" tunapata njia kuu ya kuelimishwa.
People need to develop a cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the unity of all things. |
Watu wanahitaji kukuza ufahamu wa ulimwengu, ufahamu wa umoja wa vitu vyote.
Thus the ego consciousness is lost. |
Kwa hivyo ufahamu wa ubinafsi unapotea.
Then one experiences pure consciousness, is one with everything and can only say: “I am.” |
Halafu mtu hupata fahamu safi, ako huru na kila kitu na anaweza kusema tu: "Ndimi."
He or she cannot say “I am so and so.” |
Hawezi kusema "mimi ni hivi na hivyo." |
He or she identifies with everything and everyone and is personally nothing and is simply consciousness. |
Yeye hujitambulisha na kila kitu na kila mtu na yeye binafsi sio chochote na ni ufahamu tu. |
God as a being who can take action helps us along the spiritual way. |
Mungu kama kiumbe anayeweza kuchukua hatua hutusaidia katika njia ya kiroho. |
All enlightened beings are an incarnation of God. |
Viumbe vyote vilivyoangaziwa ni mwili wa Mungu. |
If you connect with God or an enlightened being daily, you will be lead in the light. |
Ukiungana na Mungu au kiumbe aliyeangazwa kila siku, utapata nuru. |