u Caire, le palais présidentiel est entièrement bouclé par des fils barbelés. |
in Cairo the presidential palace is fully surrounded by barbed wire. |
Une bonne odeur flotte dans l’air, mélange de grillades et de café chaud. |
there is a nice smell in the air , a mixture of roast meat and hot coffee. |
Des voitures se bousculent en cherchant à sortir de la nasse. |
cars run into each other as they try to get out of the mass. drivers copy the crowds' gesture of v for victory. |
Des cris de colère contre le Guide [suprême des Frères musulmans] fusent, mal ressentis par une partie des Egyptiens qui se trouvent là. |
angry shouts against the guide(leader of the Muslim brothers)rise,resented by part of the crowd gathered there.but one watchword quickly unites everybody 'bread,freedom, social justice!' |
Une expectative inquiète plane sur la foule compacte durant les quelques heures qui s’écoulent avant l’afflux devant le palais. |
anxious expectation sweeps over the compact crowd during some hours before a mass gathers before the palace. |
Les slogans lancés de part et d’autre illustrent une Egypte divisée en deux camps antagonistes. |
the slogans shouted by different groups show an Egypt divided into two antagonistic camps, one demanding that president Morsi be given a chance the second claiming that it is no use. |
Une femme se met à crier de toutes ses forces : “Ce n’est pas mon président. Ce n’est pas ma Constitution. Mais c’est mon pays, et je le défendrai.” |
a woman starts shouting at the top of her voice 'he is not my president, it is not my constitution,but it is my country and i am going to defend it.' as usual her shouting provokes a bitter exchange between the supporters of the Muslim brothers (and the Salafists who are supporting the former out of convenience because they are hoping for 'the return of Islam" and application of religious law (sharia) and the opponents of the president. |
Ces derniers accusent les deux premiers de travailler d’arrache-pied à détruire l’identité égyptienne et à mener le pays au bord du gouffre. |
The opponents of morsi accuse the first two groups to be working flat out to destroy Egyptian identity and take the country to the brink. |
Quant au citoyen ordinaire, il veut simplement “du pain, de la liberté et de la justice sociale”, que ce soit sous la direction des Frères, des salafistes ou des libéraux. |
As for ordinary citizens, they simply want 'bread, freedom and social justice' whether it is under the leadership of the brothers, the salafists or the liberals. |
Les premiers – les Frères – ont promis d’apporter “le bien” au pays et les seconds – les salafistes – que l’application de la charia ferait couler des rivières de miel. |
The brothers had promised to make the country 'better" while the salafists had promised that the application of sharia would make the country flow with honey. |
Quant aux troisièmes, ils n’ont toujours rien promis. |
the liberals never promised anything. |
Ce qui a été concrètement réalisé, c’est le déploiement sécuritaire autour du palais, qui a été entièrement cerné de barbelés et de barrières de sable. |
What had actually been done was to deploy security forces around the presidential palace, which had been entirely surrounded by barbed wire and sand barriers. |
Pour ces manifestants comme pour les passagers prisonniers de leurs voitures et des microbus pris dans ces embouteillages, les beaux et nobles rêves d’un avenir meilleur ont été emportés par le vent. |
This only made demonstrators angrier about the presidential decree(through which he had given himself enormous powers.the decree was annulled on the eighth of December) and the new draft constitution. |
D’autres, en revanche, sont rassérénés par le nouveau régime des barbus et y voient la promesse qu’“avec eux Dieu nous pourvoira”. |
(the constitution was drafted by the Islamists and will be voted on by referendum on December 15th) |
Une troisième catégorie est simplement très épuisée, voire à deux doigts de ne plus manger à sa faim à cause de l’instabilité persistante. |
for the demonstrators, just like the passengers imprisoned in their vehicles and the minibuses blocked in traffic jams the beautiful and noble dreams of a better future have been swept away by the wind. |
Ils veulent surtout du pain, quitte à ajourner l’avènement de la liberté. |
in front of the palace the people think the new regime is in the process of recreating oppression and solitary use of power. |
Il est visiblement agacé. |
others are reassured by the new regime of bearded men(Islamists)and hope that 'with the islamists, god will provide for us" others are simply exhausted almost unable to get food to eat because of persistent instability. At times they direct their anger towards the muslim brothers and the salafists who support the president today, at times towards the political forces that oppose the mixing of religion and politics, they, most of all, want bread even if it means postponing the coming of freedom. A young salafist watches the demonstration from far, visibly irritated.'they are the ones who actually prevent the creation of social justice. they oppose a constitution they have not read and demand the fall of a president who has not as yet been able to prove himself.' |
Plus incroyable encore est le nombre de passants qui sont interpellés par les slogans hostiles au Guide. |
even more unbelievable is the number of passers -by whose interest is attracted by slogans shouted against the guide(leader of muslim brothers). |
Il y en a un qui s’extrait d’un bus bondé pour courir vers un attroupement et se mettre lui aussi à crier. |
One leaves a fully packed bus to run towards a mob and starts shouting. |
Quand quelqu’un lui demande dans quel camp il se situe, il répond, outré : “Je suis du côté du peuple égyptien !” |
When someone asks him to which camp he belongs, he responds outraged 'i am with the Egyptian people' and explains that he is returning home earlier than usual because his company had freed him early because of the demonstration(yet cut his day's salary by half)'instead of reconciling Egyptians the president is reconciling Palestinian factions, is that the renaissance they promised us? |
“Au lieu de réconcilier les Egyptiens, le président s’occupe de la réconciliation entre factions palestiniennes. C’est ça, la renaissance qu’on nous avait promise ? A bas le régime du Guide !” |
down with the guide's regime!' |
Le seul groupe qui n’est pas divisé entre partisans et opposants au Guide est celui des vendeurs ambulants. |
the only group that is not divided between supporters and opponents of the guide are the hawkers. |
Depuis l’aube, ils attendent les clients, surtout pour leur vendre des drapeaux. |
From dawn, they wait for clients, mostly to sell them flags. |
Ils ont laissé les drapeaux syriens, palestiniens et djihadistes au dépôt et n’ont pris que ceux aux couleurs de l’Egypte, comme il se doit pour une manifestation des forces favorables à un Etat civil. |
they left Syrian, Palestinian and jihadist flags in their stores and only brought Egyptian flags suitable for a demonstration held by people supporting the country. |
D’autres se sont déplacés de la place Tahrir avec une autre marchandise : des tee-shirts avec l’inscription “Le peuple, gardien de la révolution”. |
Others went to Tahrir squire with different merchandise:T shirts with the inscription' the people guardian of the revolution' There is also a red version with a white inscription 'down with the guide's regime' or the white version with a green inscription 'Egypt belongs to all the Egyptians' Others sell sandwiches non-stop. |
D’autres vendeurs écoulent des sandwichs à tour de bras. |
One needs food to keep shouting. |
Il en faut pour entretenir la puissance vocale. |
The people continue with the well known slogan, making it explicit 'clear off, it means go' |