What is geology? |
Jiolojia ni nini? |
Defined broadly, geology is the study of rocks. |
Imefafanuliwa kwa upana, jeologia ni somo la miamba |
Geology has a number of topics: palaeontology (study of fossils), Plate Tectonics (Movement of the plates), Erosion (breaking down of rocks), and a whole number of different topics. |
jiologia ina baadhi ya mada: paleontolojia ( Elimu ya visukuku), plati tektoniki (kusogea kwa sahani ya dunia), mmomonyoko ( kumomomyoka kwa miamba), na mada nyingine tofauti. |
The aim is to give you basic knowledge of geology. |
Lengo ni kukupatia uwelewa wa msingi juu ya jiolojia. |
To know more, try looking round your local library and have a look at the References and External Links. |
Ili kujua zaidi, jaribu kuangalia katika maktaba ya mtaani kwako pia angalia katika marejeo na pia viungo vya njee vya mtandaoni. |
Sediments (such as teeth, rocks and sand) settle on the bottom of a riverbed. |
sedimenti ( kama meno, miamba na mchanga) hukaakwenye ukingo wa mto. |
Over millions of years, these sediments compress together to form sedimentary rock. |
Zaidi ya miaka millioni, hivi sedimenti vimejiunga kwa pamoja na kutengeneza miamba ya kisedimenti. |
The sediments may have got to the riverbed in a number of ways: they could be from eroded cliffs, and gradually layers got deposited ('dumped' in one place by the forces of the currents) and compressed over time. |
Sedimenti hufika kwenye ukingo wa mto kwa njia kadhaa: zinaweza kutoka kwenye jabari lililo momonyoka, na polepole matabaka yakatengenezwa ('Kukusanywa' mahali pamoja na nguvu za mikondo) na kukandamizwa kwa muda. |
Sedimentary rocks are layered into strata, with the newest rocks above the older. |
miamba ya kisedimenti ipo katika mtabaka, na miamba mpya hukaa juu zaidi yamiamba zamani. |
If a really strong force (such as movement of the plates) occurs, the layers, or strata, could be ordered differently: for example, the rocks may be older the further along the cliff you walk opposed to the height of the cliff. |
Ikiwa nguvu kali sana (kama vile kuhama kwa sahani ya dunia) kutatokea, matabaka, au tabaka, zinaweza kupangiliwa tofauti: kwa mfano, miamba inaweza kuwa ya zamani zaidi kando ya jabari ukitembea kuelekea kinyume na urefu wa jabari. |
Different sediments form different sedimentary rocks: for example, sandstone is formed from sand sediments and mudstone is formed from mud sediments. |
sedimenti tofauti huunda na miamba tofauti ya kisedimenti: kwa mfano, jiwe la mchanga huundwa kutoka kwa mchanga na jiwe la matope huundwa kutoka kwa mchanga wa matope. |
Sedimentary rocks tend to be the 'weakest' of the three, as Igneous and Metamorphic rocks both undergo extreme pressures to form. |
Miamba ya kisedimentari huwa 'dhaifu zaidi' kati yamiamba mitatu, kwani miamba ya Igneous na Metamorphiki zote zinapitia mgandamizo mkubwa ili kuundwa. |