Although there are 11 players on a team there are several commonly used ways to arrange them. |
Edhe pse nje ekip ka njembedhjete lojtare, ekzistojne disa menyra te zakonshme per t'i organizuar. |
The two most commonly used formations today are probably the 4-5-1, 4-3-3, and the 4-4-2 (note: first # is the # of defenders, the second midfielders, and third forwards) although there are some different variations of each. |
Dy formacionet me te perdorura sot jane ndoshta 4-5-1, 4-3-3, dhe 4-4-2 (verejtje: numri i pare eshte numri i mbrojtesave, i dyti i mesfushoreve dhe i treti i sulmuesave) megjithese ka disa variacione te ndryshme per secilin. |
Two variation of a 4-4-2 are the "flat back four" and a "diamond back" or "sweeper, stopper" where the back four defenders form a diamond with the stopper ahead of the sweeper. |
Dy variacione te 4-4-2 jane "katershja e njetrajtshme" dhe "rombi" ose "libero dhe stoper" ku kater mbrojtesat formojne nje romb me stoperin perpara liberos. |
Other less commonly used formations are the 3-6-1, 4-2-4, and the 3-5-2. |
Formacione te tjera me pak te perdorura jane 3-6-1, 4-2-4, dhe 3-5-2. |
Changes can be made in the formations according to the position of the game . |
Ne formacione mund te behen ndryshime sipas zhvillimit te lojes. |
If one team has scored only single goal ,they can change formations in the closing stages of the match or they can put more players forward to score more goals when they are trailing by a goal. |
Ne qofte se nje ekip ka shenuar vetem nje gol, ata mund te ndryshojne formacion ne fazen mbyllese te ndeshjes, ose mund te nxjerrin me shume lojtare perpara per te shenuar me shume gola kur ndodhen ne disavantazh prej nje goli. |
A football match consists of two halves and each half is 45 minutes long. |
Nje ndeshje futbolli perbehet nga dy pjese dhe secila eshte 45 minuta. |
Between the two halves, there is an interval, which is not more than 15 minutes long. |
Midis dy pjeseve, ekziston nje interval, i cili nuk eshte me shume se 15 minuta i gjate. |
Stoppage time (also called injury time) is the time added on at the end of each half at the discretion of the referee. |
Koha shtese eshte koha qe shtohet ne fund te cdo pjese me vendim te arbitrit. |
The stoppage time added is roughly proportional to the length of delays in the game. |
Minutat e dhena shtese jane pothuajse te njejta me kohezgjatjen e vonesave gjate lojes. |
These delays may be due to injuries, time lost through substitutions, general time wasting, etc. |
Keto vonesa mund te ndodhin per shkak demtimesh, kohe te humbur gjate zevendesimeve, humbje e pergjithshme kohe etj. |
Although these may seem insignificant, stoppage time can be crucial for losing teams to equalize or even win. |
Megjithese mund te duket e parendesishme, koha shtese mund te jete vendimtare per ekipet qe jane ne humbje, per te barazuar ose madje dhe per te fituar. |
A notable example is the 2013-14 UEFA Champions League final between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid. |
Nje shembull i shquar eshte finalja e UEFA Champions League e 2013-14 midis Real Madrid dhe Atletico Madrid. |
Atletico Madrid were leading 1-0 when Sergio Ramos of Real Madrid equalized in stoppage time. |
Atletico Madrid po kryesonte 1-0 kur Sergio Ramos i Real Madrid barazoi ne kohen shtese. |
The game went into extra time whereby Madrid won 4-1 leading to their tenth European title. |
Ndeshja shkoi ne vazhdime, prej ku Real Madrid fitoi 4-1 qe coi ne fitimin e titullit te 10 te tyre evropian. |
Another instance in point is the 1998-99 UEFA Champions League Final between Bayern Munich and Manchester United. |
Nje tjeter shembull eshte finalja e UEFA Champions League e 1998-99 midis Bayern Munich dhe Manchester United. |
Bayern Munich scored an early goal and controlled most of the match, until Manchester United turned things around with two goals in the 91st and 93rd minutes of the game to win 2-1. |
Bayern Munich shenoi nje gol te hershem dhe kontrolloi pjesen me te madhe te lojes, deri sa Manchester United e ktheu krejt lojen me dy gola ne minutat 91 dhe 93 per te fituar 2-1. |