Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. |
Ebyembalilira byensimbi(oba okubala ebitabo by’ebyensimbi) kye kitundu ky’okubala ebitabo ekikwata ku kufunza, okwekenneenya n’okukola lipoota ku nkolagana y’ebyensimbi ezikwata ku bizinensi. |
This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. |
Kino kizingiramu okuteekateeka sitatimenti z’ebyensimbi ezisobola okukozesebwa abantu bonna. |
Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. |
Abalina emigabo, abagaba ebintu, bbanka, abakozi, ebitongole bya gavumenti, bannannyini bizinensi, n’abakwatibwako abalala bye byokulabirako by’abantu abaagala okufuna amawulire ng’ago olw’ebigendererwa by’okusalawo. |
Financial accountancy is governed by both local and international accounting standards. |
Okubala ebitabo mu by’ensimbi kufugibwa omutindo gw’okubala ebitabo mu ggwanga n’ensi yonna. |
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction. |
Emisingi gy’okubala ebitabo egyakkirizibwa mu bulambalamba (GAAP) ye nkola ey’omutindo ey’ebiragiro ebikwata ku kubala ebitabo by’ebyensimbi ebikozesebwa mu kitundu kyonna ekiweereddwa. |
It includes the standards, conventions and rules that accountants follow in recording and summarising and in the preparation of financial statements. |
Mulimu emitendera, enkuŋŋaana n’amateeka ababalirizi b’ebitabo bye bagoberera mu kuwandiika n’okufunza ne mu kutegeka sitatimenti z’ebyensimbi. |
On the other hand, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a set of passionable accounting standards stating how particular types of transactions and other events should be reported in financial statements. |
Ku luuyi olulala, omutindo gw’ensi yonna ogw’okukola lipoota ku by’ensimbi (IFRS) gwe mutindo gw’okubala ebitabo ogw’obwagazi ogulaga engeri ebika by’emirimu ebitongole n’ebintu ebirala gye birina okuloopebwa mu biwandiiko by’ebyensimbi. |
IFRS are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). |
IFRS zifulumizibwa ekitongole ky’ensi yonna ekivunaanyizibwa ku mutindo gw’okubala ebitabo ekya International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). |
With IFRS becoming more widespread on the international scene, consistency in financial reporting has become more prevalent between global organisations. |
Nga IFRS yeeyongedde okusaasaana ku mutendera gw’ensi yonna, obutakyukakyuka mu lipoota z’ebyensimbi kweyongedde okubeerawo wakati w’ebibiina by’ensi yonna. |
While financial accounting is used to prepare accounting information for people outside the organisation or not involved in the day-to-day running of the company, management accounting provides accounting information to help managers make decisions to manage the business. |
Wadde ng’okubala ebitabo by’ensimbi kukozesebwa okuteekateeka amawulire agakwata ku kubala ebitabo eri abantu abali ebweru w’ekitongole oba abatalina kye bakola mu mirimu gya kkampuni egya bulijjo, okubala ebitabo by’abaddukanya kuwa amawulire agakwata ku kubala ebitabo okuyamba abaddukanya okusalawo okuddukanya bizinensi. |