"Intent" refers to the mental state of the individual consisting of the desire or purpose to achieve a particular consequence, or where the consequences the person sees as certain, "substantially", or "practically" certain. |
"Nia" inahusu hali ya akili ya mtu anaye na tamaa au madhumuni ya kufikia matokeo fulani, au ambapo matokeo ambayo mtu anaona ni ya kweli, "kwa kiasi kikubwa", au "kivitendo" fulani. |
Intent is often proven by way of inference. |
Nia ni mara kwa mara kuthibitishwa kwa njia ya inference |
Inferences are factual findings based on common sense. |
Vikwazo ni matokeo ya kweli kulingana na akili ya kawaida. |
There is the long-standing inference that a person intends the natural consequences of one’s actions applies to many situations. |
Kuna sura ya muda mrefu ambayo mtu anatarajia matokeo ya asili ya vitendo vya mtu hutumika kwa hali nyingi. |
The inference will be made in most any circumstances except where there may be evidence to the contrary. |
Ufafanuzi utafanywa katika hali nyingi isipokuwa pale kunaweza kuwa na ushahidi kinyume chake. |
Doubt may be raised as to the specific intent of the person where they suffer from mental illness or where intoxicated. |
Dhaifu inaweza kuinuliwa kama nia maalum ya mtu ambapo wanakabiliwa na ugonjwa wa akili au wapi kunywa. |
Generally speaking, the inference requires the assumption that the accused has the capacity to form intent. |
Kwa kawaida, uingizaji huo unahitaji kudhani kwamba mtuhumiwa ana uwezo wa kuunda nia. |
The presence of the word "wilfully" in an provision for an criminal code offence "generally signals a subjective mens rea requirement, but the appropriate meaning of the term ‘wilfully’ will depend on the context in which it is found." |
Uwepo wa neno "kwa hiari" katika utoaji wa kosa la kosa la jinai "kwa kawaida linaashiria mahitaji ya mens rea, lakini maana sahihi ya neno 'kwa hiari' itategemea mazingira ambayo inapatikana. |
In context of a probation order, "wilful" denotes "a legislative concern for a relatively high level of mens rea" that requires a intent to breach and have a purpose in doing so. |
Katika muktadha wa utaratibu wa majaribio, "mapenzi" inaashiria "wasiwasi wa sheria kwa ngazi ya juu ya mens rea" ambayo inahitaji kusudi la kuvunja na kuwa na kusudi katika kufanya hivyo. |