The United States Constitution divides the government into three separate and distinct branches: the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. |
Isihloko: Uhulumeni wase United State/ Amagatsha amathathu
Amathegi: Umlando; Ezombangazwe; Uhulumeni; Inqubomgomo yeningi.
Ingcaphuno: izincwadizewiki
Umthethosisekelo wase United State wahlukanisa uhulumeni ngamagatsha esifunda ahlukahlukene amathathu: Amagatsha oKwengamela okuphezulu, aweSishayamthetho kanye nawoKwahlulela. |
The concept of separate branches with distinct powers is known as separation of powers. |
Umqondo wamagatsha ahlukene ngokwamandla ahlukahlukene yaziwa ngokuthi ukwahlukaniswa kwamandla. |
That doctrine arose from the writings of several European philosophers. |
Leyomfundiso yavela kwimibhalo yezazimlando ezimbalwa zase Europe. |
Englishman John Locke first pioneered the idea, but he only suggested a separation between the executive and legislative. |
Indoda yesingisi uJohn Locke waqala ngokuwuphayonela lowombono, kodwa ke wabe esesikisela ukwahlukaniswa phakathi kokwengamele okuphezulu kanye negatsha lokwahlulela. |
The Frenchman Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, added the judicial branch. |
Amadoda esiFulentshi uCharles-Louis de Secondat ,uBaron de Montesquieu, bona babesebenezela igatsha lokwahlulela. |
Each branch is theoretically equal to each of the others. |
Igatsha ngalinye kwakuthiwa liyalingana namanye. |
The branches check each other's powers and use a system known as checks and balances. |
Amagatsha ahlola amandla amanye amagatsha akanye nawo esebenzisa uhlelo olubizwa ngokuthi ukuhlola nokulinganiswa. |
Thus, no branch can gain too much power and influence, thus reducing the opportunity for a tyrannical government. |
Ngalokho, alikho igatsha elingathola amandla amaningi kakhulu futhi libe nethonya, ngalokho kwehliswa ithuba lokuthi kube nohulumeni ongumashiqela. |
In the introduction, there is a Preamble. |
Esingenisweni, kunesethulo. |
The Preamble is as stated: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America". |
Isethulo sifundeka kanjena: "Thina bantu base United State,ukuze sikwazi ukwakha ubunye obuphelele, ubulungisa ubuqinile,ukuqinisekiseka ngamakhaya anganyakaziswa, sinikeze ukuvikeleka okuvamile, sithuthukise inhlalakahle yeningi,sivikele izibusiso zenkululeko yethu kanye nezizukulwane zethu, siyavumelana futhi siyawusungula lomthethosisekelo waseUnited State yaseAmerica". |