根據聯合國的報告和科學的證據,就全球暖化而言,甲烷的有害性比二氧化碳強21倍,氧化亞氮比二氧化碳約強300倍。 |
According to United Nations reports and Scientific evidence on global warming, Methane is 21 times more harmful than Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide is about 300 times more harmful than Carbon Dioxide. |
牲畜是產生甲烷的首要肇因,氧化亞氮也是牲畜產生的副產品。 |
Livestock farming are the primary source of Methane production and Nitrous Oxide is also produced as a by-product. |
食用肉類需要飼養許多家畜動物,而家畜會排放出甲烷,例如,一頭牛一天最高可製造出60公升的甲烷。 |
To support the meat consuming industry, a lot of livestock need to be rear and these animals will produce Methane, for example, one cattle can produce up to 60 liters of Methane. |
大氣中的甲烷約有25%由畜牧業飼養之家畜排放。 |
About 25% of the Methane in the atmosphere is from livestock raised in animal husbandry. |
如果能控制甲烷的主要來源,就可調節氣候,預防水災,也是對付土壤流失之最佳方法。 |
If we can control the source of Methane, we can than regulate climate changes, prevent flooding, which is the also best solution for soil loss prevention. |
美國超過半數以上之用水,直接用來灌溉牧场以飼養牲畜,還有大量的水被用來冲洗牲畜的栏茏。 |
More than half of the drinking water in United States are used to irrigate pastures to raise livestock and a large amount of water is used for cleaning of livestock stalls. |
生產一磅的肉平均会消耗掉相当于一個普通家庭一個月的用水量。 |
On average, the water used to produce one pound of meat is equivalent to monthly consumption of a normal household. |
生产一单位肉类食物所用的水,要远高于生产同一单位植物類食物所用的水。 |
The water that is needed to produce one unit of meat is much higher than the water used to produce the same unit of plant food. |
這樣的用水會造成嚴重的經濟和生態方面的影響。 |
Such water usage will cause serious economic and ecological impacts. |
研究指出,大量用水威脅到美國西部十七州之經濟發展,并使可用于发電用的水劇減,降低了該區電力生產量,造成電費價格上漲。 |
Studies have shown that the heavy usage of water has threaten the economic development of 17 western states in the United States. It has drastically reduce the amount of water used for power generation, thereby reducing electricity production and resulting in a price increase for electricity. |
吃肉浪費大量的水,剩下的水也可能被污染,美國牲畜所生產的总排泄物是全国人总的排泄物之二十倍。 |
Consuming meat not only waste a lot of water ,it could also pollute the balance remaining water. The amount of excrement produced by American livestock is 20 times the total excrement of the entire nation. |
然而,现今人们很少用動物的排泄物来给田地施肥,大多排放進水道。 |
Nowadays, people rarely use the animal excrement to fertilize the fields but discharged them directly to the waterways. |
由於未處理的排泄物氣化成氨和硝酸鹽,使愈來愈多的水含有硝酸鹽,可能造成嬰兒腦部受損,甚至死亡。 |
As the untreated excrement will produce ammonia nitrates, resulting in more water containing nitrates and these nitrates might cause brain damage and even death in infants. |
哥斯達黎加有大量素食餐廳,菠蘿汁成爲素食旅游賣點。 |
There are a lot of vegetarian restaurants in Costa Rica and pineapple juice has become a selling point for vegetarian tourism. |
該國拥有全世界最高的生物多样性,一旦失去這一地球的生物最富集的陆地生态区,將是一場巨大的生态灾难。 |
The country has the highest biodiversity in the world, and if this high concentration of biologically enriched ecosystem on the plant is lost , it will be a major disaster. |
聯合國開發計劃署指2000年至2015年间哥斯达黎加菠萝种植迅速蔓延。 |
According to United Nations development department, pineapple plantation in Costa Rica has been spreading fast from 2000 to 2015. |
据透露,在过去15年中,该国已经失去了超过5000公顷的森林覆盖面积,超过3000个足球场。 |
According to the reports, for the past 15 years, the country have already lost 5000 hectares of forest coverage area which is about 3000 football fields. |