Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. |
Atomii, sunt cele mai mici particule ale materiei care retin proprietatile acesteia, sunt facute din protoni, electroni si neutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. |
Protonii au o valoare positiva, electronii au una negativa care anuleaza capacitatea pozitiva a protonilor. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. |
Neutronii au o capacitate similara cu cea a protonilor dar au valoare neutra. |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. |
Nu sunt diferente intre incarcarea positiva si cea negativa cu exceptia particulelor cu aceasi valoare se resping iar cele opuse se atrag. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. |
Daca un proton solitar si un electron negativ se contopesc formeaza un atom de hidrogen. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. |
Aceasta repulsie si atractie (forta dintre incarcarea particulelor stationare) este cunoscuta sub Forta Electrostatica si se extinde teoretic la infinit, dar se dilueaza odata cu cresterea distantei intre particule. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. |
Cand un atom are unul sau mai multi electroni lipsa ramane cu o incarcare pozitiva, si cand un atom are macar un electron in plus are o incarcare negativa. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. |
Avand o incarcare pozitiva sau negativa un atom devine un ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. |
Atomii obtin sau pierd protoni si neutroni doar prin fuziune, fisiune si degradare radioactiva. |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. |
Desi atomii sunt facuti din multe particule si obiectele sunt facute dintr-o multime de atomi, se comporta similar cu incarcarea particulelor in termeni de atragere si respingere. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. |
Intr-un atom protonii si neutronii se combina ca sa formeze niste nuclee strans legate. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). |
Nucleele sunt inconjurate de o vasta grupare de electroni incercuind o anumita distanta dar tinuti aproape de protoni de catre atractia electromagnetica ( forta electrostatica discutata ma devreme). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. |
Grupa exista ca o serie cochilii suprapuse / benzi in care inter valenta benzilor sunt umplute cu electroni and are tightly bound to the atom. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. |
Exteriorul benzilor conductoare nu contin electroni cu exceptia celor care au accelerat la benzilor conductoare prin acumularea de energie. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). |
Cu suficienta energie un electron scapa de un atom (comparativ cu viteza de evacuare a unei rachete spatiale). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. |
Cand un electron in banda conductoare incetineste si cade intr-o alta banda sau valenta un foton este emis. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. |
Acesta este cunoscut sub forma de efectul fotoelectric. |