The Battle of Poitiers was a major English victory in the Edwardian phase of the Hundred Years' War. |
ውግእ ፖይቲየስ ኣብ ምዕራፍ ኤድዋርድያዊ ኲናት ሚእቲ ዓመት ዓቢ ዓወት እንግሊዝ እዩ። |
It was fought on 19 September 1356 in Nouaillé, near the city of Poitiers in Aquitaine, western France. |
ብ19 መስከረም 1356 ኣብ ኖዋይለ ኣብ ጥቓ ከተማ ፖይቲየስ ኣብ ኣኪተን ኣብ ምዕራባዊ ፈረንሳ ተቓሊሱ። |
Edward, the Black Prince, led an army of English, Welsh, Breton and Gascon troops, many of them veterans of the Battle of Crécy. |
ኤድዋርድ፡ ጸሊም ልኡል፡ ንሰራዊት እንግሊዝ፡ ዌልስ፡ ብሬቶንን ጋስኮንን ዝሓዘ ሰራዊት መሪሑ፡ ብዙሓት ካብኣቶም ገዳይም ተጋደልቲ ውግእ ክረሲ እዮም። |
They were attacked by a larger French force led by King John II of France, which included allied Scottish forces. |
ብናይ ፈረንሳ ብንጉስ ዮሃንስ ዳግማዊ ዝምራሕ ዝዓበየ ሓይሊ ፈረንሳ መጥቃዕቲ በጺሕዎም፣ እዚ ሓይሊ እዚ ድማ መሓዙት ሓይልታት ስኮትላንድ ዘጠቓለለ እዩ። |
The French were heavily defeated; an English counter-attack captured King John II along with his youngest son and much of the French nobility. |
ፈረንሳውያን ብኸቢድ ተሳዒሮም፤ ናይ እንግሊዝ ጸረ-መጥቃዕቲ ንንጉስ ዮሃንስ ዳግማዊ ምስ ንእሽቶ ወዱን ንብዙሓት ፍሉጣት ፈረንሳውያንን ማረኾ። |
The effect of the defeat on France was catastrophic, leaving Dauphin Charles to rule the country. |
እቲ ስዕረት ኣብ ፈረንሳ ዘስዓቦ ጽልዋ ኣዕናዊ ብምንባሩ፡ ዳውፊን ቻርለስ ነታ ሃገር ክገዝእ ተገዲዱ። |
Charles faced populist revolts across the kingdom in the wake of the battle, which had destroyed the prestige of the French upper-class. |
ቻርለስ ድሕሪ እቲ ንኽብሪ ላዕለዎት ደርቢ ፈረንሳ ዘዕነወ ውግእ ኣብ መላእ መንግስቲ ህዝባዊ ናዕቢ ኣጋጢምዎ። |
The Edwardian phase of the war ended four years later in 1360, on favourable terms for England. |
እቲ ኤድዋርድያዊ ምዕራፍ ኲናት ድሕሪ ኣርባዕተ ዓመት ብ1360 ንእንግሊዝ ብዝጥዕም ውዕል ተዛዘመ። |
Poitiers was the second major English victory of the Hundred Years' War. |
ፖይቲየስ ካልኣይ ዓቢ ዓወት እንግሊዝ ኣብ ኲናት ሚእቲ ዓመት እዩ። |
Poitiers was fought ten years after the Battle of Crécy (the first major victory), and about half a century before the third, the Battle of Agincourt (1415). |
ፖይቲየር ድሕሪ ዓሰርተ ዓመት ውግእ ክረሲ (ቀዳማይ ዓቢ ዓወት)፡ ቅድሚ እቲ ሳልሳይ ውግእ ኣጂንኮርት (1415) ድማ ኣስታት ፍርቂ ዘመን እዩ ተኻይዱ። |
The town and battle were often referred to as Poictiers in contemporaneous recordings, a name commemorated in several warships of the Royal Navy. |
እታ ከተማን ውግእን መብዛሕትኡ ግዜ ኣብ ናይቲ እዋን ቅዳሓት ፖይክቲየር ተባሂሎም ይጽውዑ ነበሩ፣ እዚ ስም እዚ ኣብ ሓያሎ መራኽብ ውግእ ንጉሳዊ ሓይሊ ባሕሪ ዝዝከር እዩ። |
Following the death of Charles IV of France in 1328, Philip, Count of Valois, had been crowned as his successor, over his closest male relative and legal successor, Edward III of England. |
ድሕሪ ሞት ቻርለስ ራብዓይ ፈረንሳዊ ብ1328፡ ፊሊፕ፡ ቆጸራ ቫሎይስ፡ ኣብ ልዕሊ እቲ ዝቐረበ ወዲ ተባዕታይ ዘመዱን ሕጋዊ ተካኢኡን ኤድዋርድ ሳልሳይ ብዓል ዓዲ እንግሊዝ፡ ከም ተካኢኡ ዘውዲ ተደፊኡ ነበረ። |
Edward had been reluctant to pay homage to Philip in his role as Duke of Aquitaine, resulting in Philip confiscating these lands in 1337, precipitating war between the two nations. |
ኤድዋርድ ንፊሊፕ ኣብቲ ከም ልኡል ኣኲቴን ዝነበሮ ተራ ክብሪ ክህቦ ፍቓደኛ ኣይነበረን፣ ውጽኢቱ ድማ ፊሊፕ ነዘን መሬታት ብ1337 ክምንዝዓን ኣብ መንጎ ክልቲአን ሃገራት ውግእ ኣቀላጠፈን። |
Three years later, Edward declared himself King of France. |
ድሕሪ ሰለስተ ዓመት ኤድዋርድ ንጉስ ፈረንሳ ምኳኑ ኣዊጁ።
The war had begun well for the English. |
እቲ ውግእ ኣጀማምሩ ንእንግሊዛውያን ፅቡቅ ነይሩ።
They had achieved naval domination early in the war at the Battle of Sluys in 1340, inflicted a severe defeat on the French army at Crécy in 1346, and captured Calais in 1347. |
ኣብ መጀመርታ ውግእ ኣብ ውግእ ስሉይስ ብ1340 ዕብለላ ሓይሊ ባሕሪ ረኺቦም ነይሮም፣ ብ1346 ኣብ ክረሲ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሰራዊት ፈረንሳ ከቢድ ስዕረት ኣውሪዶም፣ ብ1347 ድማ ካሌ ሒዞሞ። |
In the late 1340s and early 1350s, the Black Death decimated the population of Western Europe, bringing all significant efforts in campaigning to a halt, one such victim being Philip VI of France himself. |
ኣብ መወዳእታ 1340ታትን መጀመርታ 1350ታትን ጸሊም ሞት ንብዝሒ ህዝቢ ምዕራብ ኤውሮጳ ኣጥፊኡ፡ ንኹሉ ኣብ ጎስጓስ ዝግበር ዝነበረ ርኡይ ጻዕርታት ደው ኣበሎ፡ ሓደ ካብዚኦም ግዳያት ባዕሉ ፊሊፕ ሻድሻይ ፈረንሳዊ እዩ። |
In 1355, Edward III laid out plans for a second major campaign. |
ብ1355 ኤድዋርድ ሳልሳይ ንኻልኣይ ዓቢ ወፍሪ ንምክያድ መደባት ኣውጽአ። |
His eldest son, Edward, the Black Prince, now an experienced soldier following the Crécy campaign, landed at Bordeaux in Aquitaine, leading his army on a march through southern France to Carcassonne. |
እቲ ቦኽሪ ወዱ ኤድዋርድ ጸሊም ልኡል፡ ሕጂ ድሕሪ ወፍሪ ክረሲ ምኩር ወተሃደር ኮይኑ፡ ሰራዊቱ መሪሑ ብደቡባዊ ፈረንሳ ኣቢሉ ናብ ካርካሶን ኣብ ዝገበሮ ሰልፊ ኣብ ቦርዶ ኣብ ኣኪቴን ዓለበ። |
Unable to take the heavily fortified settlement, Edward withdrew to Bordeaux. |
ኤድዋርድ ነቲ ብኸቢድ ዕርድታት ዝነበሮ ሰፈራ ክወስዶ ስለ ዘይከኣለ ናብ ቦርዶ ስሒቡ። |
In early 1356, the Duke of Lancaster led an army through Normandy, while Edward led his army on a great chevauchée from Bordeaux on 8 August 1356. |
ኣብ መጀመርታ 1356 ዱክ ላንካስተር ብኖርማንዲ ኣቢሉ ሰራዊት ክመርሕ ከሎ፡ ኤድዋርድ ድማ ብ8 ነሓሰ 1356 ካብ ቦርዶ ብዝመጸት ዓባይ ሸቫውቺ ሰራዊቱ መሪሑ። |