God is a mystery that is experienced best when enlightened. |
Mwari chinhu chakavanzika chinonyatsozivikanwa kana kwava nekujekeswa. |
We can only say that it is good to live in God. |
Tinongoti zvakanaka kurarama muna Mwari. |
It is better to be enlightened than not enlightened. |
Zvirinani kujekeswa pane kusajekeswa. |
Enlightenment is the deeper purpose of life. |
Kujekeswa ndicho chinangwa chakadzika chehupenyu. |
Through enlightenment, we reach the kingdom of God. |
Nekujekeswa, tinosvika muumambo hwaMwari. |
Enlightenment means inner peace, inner happiness and all-encompassing love for all beings. |
Ruvheneko runoreva rugare rwomukati, mufaro womukati uye rudo rwakazara kuvanhu vose. |
An enlightened person lives in God. |
Munhu ane ruvheneko anorarama muna Mwari. |
He or she sees God as a kind of light in the world. |
Iye anowona Mwari semwenje uri munyika. |
He or she feels God in him or herself and around him or herself. |
Iye anonzwa Mwari mukati make uye akamukomberedza. |
He or she feels God as inner happiness, inner peace and inner strength and is aware that he or she is in a higher truth that can only be described as universal love. |
Iye anonzwa Mwari semufaro womukati, roguare rwomukati uye simba remukati uye anoziva kuti arimuchokwadi chepamusorochinogona kungorondedzerwa serudo rwepasi rose. |
In each of the major religions, there are varied definitions of God. |
Mune chimwe nechimwe chezvitendero zvikuru, mune tsanangudzo dzakasiyana-siyana dza Mwari. |
In the religions we also find the personal and abstract term of God. |
Muzvitendero tinoona zve mutauro wehunhu nekungovepo kwa Mwari. |
Many enlightened mystics think of God as a person and some others as a higher dimension in the cosmos. |
Vakawanda vakavhenekerwa zvemidzimu vanofunga Mwari somunhu uye vamwewo sedivi rakakwirira muchadenga. |
In Buddhism and in Hinduism the abstract term of God dominates. |
Muchi Bhudha nechi Hindu kusazivikwanwa kwaMwari kunotonga. |
In Buddhism, the highest principle is called Nirvana and in Hinduism it’s called Brahman. |
MuchiBhudda, musimboti wakakwirira unonzi Nirvana uye muchi Hindu unonzi Brahman. |
Jesus referred to God as father. |
Jesu akareva kuti Mwari ndibaba. |
Moses referred to God more in an abstract fashion. |
Mosesi akataurira kuna Mwari zvakanyanya mune imwe nzira. |
His central definition of God was described with the words “I am.” |
Tsanangudzo yake yakanyanya yaMwari yakatsanangurwa nemashoko okuti "Ndiri." |
These words refer to God as a happy state of being where one experiences enlightenment. |
Aya mazwi anotaura kuna Mwari sechiitiko chinofadza apo munhu anova neruzivo. |
In the words “I am” we find the main way to enlightenment. |
Mumashoko okuti "Ndiri" tinowana nzira huru yekujekeswa. |
People need to develop a cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the unity of all things. |
Vanhu vanofanira kukudziridza chimiro chepasi, kuziva kwehumwe hwezvinhu zvose. |
Thus the ego consciousness is lost. |
Nekudaro pfungwa dzeutera dzinorashika. |
Then one experiences pure consciousness, is one with everything and can only say: “I am.” |
Nekudaro mumwe anowana ruzivo rwakachena, mumwe chete nezvose uye anogona kungoti: "Ndini." |
He or she cannot say “I am so and so.” |
Iye haagoni kuti "Ndiri ani kana ani." |
He or she identifies with everything and everyone and is personally nothing and is simply consciousness. |
Iye anozitsanangura nezvoseuye nemunhu wose uye haasi chiro pachake uye angori ndangariro. |
God as a being who can take action helps us along the spiritual way. |
Mwari semunhu anokwanisa kutora chiito anotibatsira munzira yopamweya. |
All enlightened beings are an incarnation of God. |
Zvinhu zvose zvakajekeswa zvimukadzimu zvaMwari. |
If you connect with God or an enlightened being daily, you will be lead in the light. |
Kana iwe ukanyatsobatana naMwari kana kuti kujekeswa kwezuva nezuva, iwe uchange uchitungamirirwa mune chiedza. |