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Music Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Chinese) |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. | 音乐理论是对音乐的实践与可能性的研究。 |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. | 音乐理论经常涉及描述音乐家和作曲家如何创作音乐,包括调音系统和作曲方法等议题。 |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. | 由于音乐的概念不断扩展(见《音乐的定义》),或许一个更具包容性的定义是,音乐理论是对与音乐相关的任何声音现象(包括静默)的思考。 |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. | 这并不是一个绝对的准则;例如,中世纪欧洲常见的文科大学课程中的 "音乐 "研究是一个关于数学比例的抽象体系,在与实际音乐实践保持一定距离的情况下进行仔细研究。 |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. | 然而,这门中世纪的学科在后来的几个世纪中成为了调音系统的基础,并被普遍纳入音乐理论史的现代学术研究中。 |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. | 音乐理论作为一门实用学科,涵盖了作曲家和其他音乐家在创作音乐时所使用的方法和概念。 |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. | 从这个意义上讲,音乐理论的发展、保存和传承可以在口头和书面音乐创作传统、乐器和其他人工制品中发现。 |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). | 例如,来自美索不达米亚、中国和世界各地史前遗址的古代乐器揭示了它们所创作的音乐的细节,并可能揭示出乐器制作者所使用的音乐理论(见《音乐史和乐器》)。 |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. | 在世界各地的古代和现存文化中,乐器、口述传统和当前的音乐创作中都清晰可见音乐理论深厚而悠久的根基。 |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. | 许多文化,至少早在古代美索不达米亚和古代中国,也曾以书面论文和音乐记号等更正式的方式研究音乐理论。 |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. | 实践和学术传统是相互重叠的,因为许多音乐实用论著都将自己置于其他论著的传统之中,这些论著经常被引用,就像学术著作引用早期研究成果一样。 |
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