A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
A similar thing happens with the depiction of blood, and real historical events; many things have to be readjusted to fit the country’s tolerance and taste in order not to hurt sensibilities. |
Algo semelhante ocorre com a representação de sangue e eventos históricos: muitas coisas precisam ser reajustadas para se adequarem à tolerância e interesse do país, a fim de não ofender ninguém. |
This is probably one of the reasons why so many games take place in imaginary worlds. |
Esse é provavelmente um dos motivos pelos quais tantos jogos se passam em mundos imaginários. |
This customisation effort draws on the knowledge of geopolitical strategists, like Kate Edwards from Englobe. |
Esse esforço de customização se baseia no conhecimento de estrategistas geopolíticos, como Kate Edwards, da Englobe. |
During the 2006 Game Developers Conference in California she explained the importance of being culturally aware when internationalising games in a presentation called "Fun vs. Offensive: Balancing the 'Cultural Edge' of Content for Global Games" (Edwards 2006). |
Durante a Game Developers Conference de 2006, na Califórnia, ela explicou a importância de se estar a par da cultura ao internacionalizar jogos em uma apresentação intitulada "Fun vs. Offensive: Balancing the 'Cultural Edge' of Content for Global Games" (Edwards, 2006). |
Both developers and publishers want to please their clients. |
Tanto desenvolvedores quanto editores querem agradar seus clientes. |
Gamers are not particularly interested in where the game comes from, or who created it any more than someone buying a new car or DVD player. |
Jogadores estão tão interessados na origem de um jogo, ou em quem o criou, quanto alguém que compra um novo carro ou um leitor de DVD. |
A product for mass consumption only keeps the branding features of the trademark; all the other characteristics might be subject to customisation due to the need to appeal to the local market. |
Um produto para consumo em massa mantém apenas as características da marca registrada; todas as demais características podem estar sujeitas à customização dada a necessidade de agradar o mercado local. |
Therefore, the translation will be in some cases an actual recreation, or, to put it in the words of Mangiron & O’Hagan (2006), a "transcreation", where translators will be expected to produce a text with the right "feel" for the target market. |
Portanto, a tradução será, em alguns casos, uma recriação, ou, nas palavras de Mangiron & O'Hagan (2006), uma "transcriação", onde se espera que tradutores produzam um texto que encaixe no mercado alvo. |
It is important for translators to be aware of the logic behind this. |
É importante que tradutores estejam cientes da lógica por detrás disso. |
Video games are a software product, and as such, they will have manuals and instructions, as well as interactive menus and help files. |
Videojogos são produtos de software, e como tal, terão manuais e instruções, assim como menus interativos e arquivos de ajuda. |
This will call for technical translation. |
Isso demandará por tradução técnica. |
On the other hand, we will also find narration and dialogue closer to literary texts or film scripts where a more creative translation would be expected. |
Em contrapartida, também encontraremos narração e diálogo mais próximos de textos literários ou roteiros de filmes, onde uma tradução mais criativa seria esperada. |
However, unlike most forms of translation, video games can adapt or even change the original script, as long as it is in the search of enhanced fun and playability of the target culture. |
No entanto, diferente da maioria das formas de tradução, videojogos podem adaptar ou até mesmo modificar o roteiro original, desde que seja com o intuito de garantir à cultura alvo melhor diversão e jogabilidade. |
We can only find a parallel of this type of practice in the translation of children’s literature where professionals often adapt or alter the original text to improve children’s understanding and enjoyment of the book. |
Podemos encontrar paralelos desse tipo de prática apenas na tradução de literatura infantil, onde profissionais frequentemente adaptam ou alteram o texto original a fim de aprimorar a compreensão e diversão da criança com o texto. |