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I am a freelancer translator providing online English-Arabic translation service. I have a native language proficiency in Arabic and fluency in English. Translation from Italian into Arabic and English is also provided.
As I understand my client's need, I help them speak to the world.
Translation Units
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Sample Translation Other
Other Sample Translation
Source (Italian) | Target (English) |
Pasta & Zucchine | Pasta & Zucchini |
Ingredienti | Ingrediente |
300 grammi di farfelle | 300 grams of pasta farfelle |
Basilico | Basil |
Sale | Salf |
Olio extravergine d’oliva | Extra virgin olive oil |
Pepe nero | Black pepper |
1 spicchio d’aglio | 1 clove of garlic |
Mettete a bollire l'acqua e salata. | Boil the water then add the salt. |
Quando inizia a bollire intanto, lavate e asciugate le zucchine e poi grattugiatele. | When the water starts to boil, wash, dry and chop the zucchini into small pieces. |
In una padella versate L’olio extravergine d’oliva e scaldatelo a fuoco basso insieme ad uno spicchio d’aglio | Pour the extra virgin of olive oil into a pan and heat it over low heat along with a clove of garlic. |
Non appena l’olio sarà ben caldo, unite le zucchine, aggiustate di sale e pepe e lasciatele cuocere per 5-6 minute. | As soon as the oil is hot, add the zucchini, season it with salt and pepper and let cook for 5-6 minutes. |
Mescolando di tanto in tanto. | Stir gently once in a while then remove the garlic. |
Nel frattempo fate bollire la pasta e poi scolatela al dente. | In the meantime, boil the pasta until it becomes a little bit tender then drain it. |
Versatela direttamente nella padella con le zucchine. | Next, pour the pasta directly into the pan with the zucchini; stir it for a few seconds then turn off the heat. |
Aggiungete sopra un po’ di basilico. | Add a little basil over the top. |
Sample Translation Education / Pedagogy
Education / Pedagogy Sample Translation
Source (Italian) | Target (English) |
I genitori italiani portano i loro figli all'asilo nido. | Italian parents send their children to the nursey. |
L'iscrizione non è | Registration is not mandatory at this stage, but the compulsory schooling starts at the age of six. |
Poi la scuola dell'obbligo comincia a 6 anni con la scuola elementare che dura 5 anni. | The primary school lasts for five years where children learn how to read, write, and acquire general knowledge. |
I bambini imparano a leggere e a scrivere e apprendono nozioni di cultura generale. | Then they join the secondary school. |
Poi cominciano la scuola media e dopo tre anni chi decide di continuare gli studi può scegliere tra diversi tipi di scuola media superiore: liceo classico, scientifico, linguistico ecc. | After three years of study, the students who decided to continue their studies can choose between different types of high school such as: classical school, scientific school, linguistic school, etc. |
la durata degli studi è di 4 o 5 anni e alla fine c'è l'esame di maturità. | The duration of the study is four or five years then they take the final exam afterwards. |
Tutti gli studenti in possesso di diploma di scuola superiore possono scriversi a una facoltà di loro scelta. | All students who earned a high school diploma have the right to apply to a faculty of their choice. |
La durata di un corso di laurea varia dai 3 ai 4 anni. | The duration of the study varies from three to four years. |
Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, esiste anche la cosiddetta laurea breve, un diploma universitario che si può ottenere in 3 anni. | In recent years, however, there is also the so-called short degree, a university diploma that can be obtained in three years. |
Dopo la laurea esistono corsi di specializzazione e dottorati di ricerca di alto livello. | After graduation, there are specialized courses and high-level studies for doctorates. |
Sample Translation Cinema: Film: Tv: Drama
Cinema: Film: Tv: Drama Sample Translation
Source (Italian) | Target (English) |
Il libro Verde | The Green Book |
È un film commedia e drammatico bassato sulla storia vera di un pianista Jazz e classico afroamericano si chiama Don Shirely. | It is a comedy and drama movie based on a true story of an African-American Jazz and classical pianist named Don Shirely. |
Il pianista nero ha bisogno un guidator per guidare la sua macchina per il suo tour musicale di otto settimane. | The black pianist needs a driver to drive his car for his eight-week music tour. |
Il pianista ha scelto un autista professionista italiano e ha regalato una copia del libro verde, che è una guida per i viaggiatori afroamericano per trovare motel, ristoranti e stazioni di servizio. | The pianist chose an Italian professional driver, gave him a copy of the green book, which is a guidebook for African-American travelers to find motels, restaurants, and gas stations. |
L’autista ha ammirato il talento del pianista e il rispetto che riceve mentre è sul palco. | The driver admired the pianist’s talent and the respect he receives while he is on the stage. |
Tuttavia, l’autista è rimasto scioccato dal trattamento ingiusto che il pianista riceve quando è fuori dal palco. | However, the driver was shocked by the unfair treatment the pianist receives when he is out of the stage. |
Il film ha ricevuto recensioni positive dalla critica e ampiamente elogiato. | The film received positive reviews from critics and widely praised. |
Sample Translation Art/Literary
Art/Literary Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Arabic) |
Thai Village Cultural Show | عرض ثقافى تقدمه قرية تايلاندية |
Rose Garden Riverside presents Thailand’s longest running show, with over sixteen thousand consecutive performances for the past four decades and performed by more than 150 dancers, musicians and artists. | تقدم حديقة الورود الواقعة على ضفة النهر أطول عرض ثقافى فى أنحاء مملكة تايلاند، |
This auditorium represents a typical Thai village with houses made of wood with thatched roofs and the village square is clay. | وقام بأدائها مايزيد عن 150 راقص وموسيقى وفنان. |
Our show highlights dances, customs and traditions that originate from Northern, Southern, North-eastern and Central Thailand. | حيث نجد المنازل مصنوعة من الخشب والاسطح مغطاة بالقش، |
تماماً بالطين. | |
Past and present come alive in this diverse show that provides a glimpse of Thailand. | ويلقى العرض ضوءاً على الرقص والعادات والتقاليد المتوارثة فى الشمال والجنوب ومنطقة الشمال الشرقى ووسط تايلاند. |
Sample Translation Medical
Medical Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Arabic) |
Alzheimer's disease and related dementias can cause a person to act in different and unpredictable ways. | يسبب داء ألزهايمر وأمراض الخرف المرتبطة به فى قيام الفرد بأفعال غريبة وغير متوقعة على الإطلاق حيث تتسم تصرفات بعض الاشخاص المصابين بهذا الداء بالقلق والعدوانية، |
Some individuals with Alzheimer's become anxious or aggressive. | بينما يكرر المرضى الأخرون أسئلة و إيماءات محددة، |
Others repeat certain questions and gestures. | كما يسىء الكثير منهم تفسير ما يسمع أو يشاهد . |
Many misinterpret what they see or hear. | يمكن أن تؤدى هذه الأنواع من رد الفعل الى سوء الفهم، والإحباط، والتوتر، |
These types of reactions can lead to misunderstanding, frustration and tension, particularly between the person with dementia and the caregiver. | وبالتحديد بين الشخص المصاب بالخرف ورفيق الرعاية. |
It is important to understand that the person is not acting that way on purpose. | ومن المهم إدراك أن الشخص المُصاب لا يتصرف بهذه الطريقة عن عمد. |
In this section, find tips to respond to the following behaviors: | ستجد فى هذا القسم إرشادات للإجابة على الأنواع التالية من السلوكيات: |
• Aggression | • العدوانية |
• Agitation | • الهياج |
• Confusion | • الأرتباك |
• Hallucinations | • الهلوسة |
• Repetition | • التكرار |
• Sleeplessness | • الأرق |
• Suspicion | • الشك |
• Unpredictable Situations | • مواقف غير متوقعة |
• Wandering | • التجوال |
Aggression: | العدوانية : |
• Introduction | • مقدمة |
• Causes | • الأسباب |
• How to respond | • كيف تستجيب؟ |
• More information | • معلومات إضافية |
Introduction: | مقدمة: |
Aggressive behaviors may be verbal (shouting, name-calling) or physical (hitting, pushing). | قد تكون السلوكيات العدوانية شفوية ( الصراخ، |
These behaviors can occur suddenly, with no apparent reason, or can result from a frustrating situation. | الدفع). |
Whatever the case, it is try to understand what is causing the person to become angry or upset. | وبغض النظر عن السبب، |
Possible causes: | أسباب محتملة: |
Aggression can be caused by many factors including physical discomfort, environmental factors and poor communication. | يصاب الاشخاص بالعدوانية نتيجة عوامل متعددة بما فى ذلك الإرهاق البدنى، |
If the person is aggressive, consider the following: | وضعف التواصل. |
Physical discomfort: | فإنه يجب الأخذ فى الأعتبار ما يلى: |
• Is the person tired because of inadequate rest or sleep? | الإرهاق البدنى: |
• Are medications causing side effects? | • هل تسبب العقاقير آثار جانبية؟ |
• Is the person unable to let you know he or she is experiencing pain? | • هل الشخص غير قادر على توصيل شعوره بالألم الى الأخرين؟ |
Environmental factors | عوامل بيئية: |
• Is the person overstimulated by loud noises, an overactive environment or physical clutter? | • هل تسبب الضوضاء العالية أوالبيئة ذات النشاط المفرط أو الفوضى المادية فى زيادة تحفيز الفرد؟ |
• Does the person feel lost? | • هل يشعر الفرد بالفقد؟ |
Poor communication: | ضعف التواصل: |
• Are you asking too may questions or making too many statements at once? | • هل تسأل أسئلة كثيرة أو تتكلم كثيراً فى الحال؟ |
• Are your instructions simple and easy to understand? | • هل التعليمات التى تقدمها بسيطة وسهلة الفهم؟ |
• Is the person picking up on your own stress and irritability? | • هل يزعجك الشخص بطريقة تسبب لك الإجهاد والشعور بالاستفزاز ؟ |
• Are you being negative or critical? | • هل أنت شخص سلبى أو انتقادى؟ |
Sample Translation Marketing
Marketing Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Arabic) |
The new superior way to amazing lashes | أفضل طريقة جديدة للحصول على رموش رائعة. |
Battery powered mascara with a vibrating brush. | ماسكرا تعمل بالبطارية ومزودة بفرشاة ذات اهتزازات. |
3 different speed levels for an optimal result depending on lash type. | ثلاث مستويات مختلفة للسرعة وذلك للحصول على نتيجة مُثلى وفقاُ لنوع الرموش، |
The vibrating brush works through the lashes providing a 360° coating effect. | حيث تعمل الفرشاة ذات الاهتزازات على زيادة كثافة الرموش من خلال وضع طبقة من الطلاء تبلغ قوتها 360 درجة. |
The result is fully wrapped lashes with exceptional length, separation and volume. | والنتيجة هى الحصول على رموش مغطاة تماماً بالطلاء وذات طول استثنائي، |
How to use it: | وفصل تام بين الرموش. |
Remove protector cap before use. | كيفية الاستخدام: |
Recap after use. | ضع الغطاء مرة أخرى بعد الاستعمال. |
1) Push the button. | 1) اضغط على الزر. |
3 speed levels: Press 1= low speed, Press 2 = mid speed, Press 3 = high speed. | الزر 1 = سرعة منخفضة، |
Try out the speed most suitable for your lashes. | الزر 3= سرعة عالية. |
Release the button after choosing the speed level – no need to maintain the pressure. | أترك الزر بعد اختيار مستوى السرعة الملائم - لن تحتاج إلى الاستمرار فى الضغط. |
2) Start applying at lash root and slowly pull brush through the lashes from root to tip. | 2) أبدأ فى وضع الماسكرا على جذور الرموش واسحب الفرشاة ببطء تجاه أطراف الرموش. |
Let the brush do the work. | دع الفرشاة تؤدى العمل. |
Repeat for extra effect – the vibrating brush keeps the lashes clump free. | كرر الخطوات السابقة للحصول على رموش أكثر كثافة - تحتفظ الفرشاة المتحركة بالرموش خالية من الكتل وبدون التصاق. |
Press 4= stop | الزر 4 = إيقاف. |
Battery re-cycling guideline: | إرشادات إعادة تدوير البطارية: |
Recyclable batteries included. | تشتمل إرشادات إعادة تدوير البطاريات على ما يلي: |
Do not dispose of battery with household waste. | لا تتخلص من البطارية مع النفايات المنزلية. |
To be disposed at a designated point of collection for recycling of batteries. | يجب التخلص من البطارية عند نقطة تجمع محددة خاصة بإعادة تدوير البطاريات. |
To remove the batteries: | أتبع الخطوات التالية لإزالة البطارية: |
1) Rock the cap firmly from side to side and pull of the cap. | 1) حرك الغطاء بقوة من جانب إلى أخر ثم اسحب الغطاء. |
2) Take out and open the inner plastic shell. | 2) أخرج وافتح القشرة البلاستيكية الداخلية. |
3) Remove the batteries. | 3) أنزع البطارية. |
My Experience
22 yrs.
- 2007 BA at Cairo University
Unavailable Today
March 2025
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Sat. |