Countries and Territories

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Countries and territories names (Bonus: Country Codes and Locations!)

Price €0,00
Seller alexander Alexander Manaenkov
Language Pair English to Russian
Fields geography
Term Concepts 253
Sales 31
Seller available to work in this field Yes (View Profile)

Packaged for your productivity

I had a couple of projects (a video game and mobile app) that contained a whole list of countries. That was so boring and time-consuming to type or copy & paste each country name! I was trying to find a glossary like this on the Internet but I couldn't... This glossary will speed up your process and save you precious time! This terminology package includes the following files:

  • TBX
  • CSV (UTF-8, UTF-16LE BOM, and CafeTran)
  • XLSX


The buyer of this package created by Alexander Manaenkov is entitled to use it for her/his own translation work. Redistribution (reselling, publicizing or any other form of multiplication) is expressly forbidden.