The complex situation of Catholicism in Great Britain had results in their Colonies. |
Isimo esiyinkimbinkimbi sobuKatolika eBrithani enkulu siphumele emakoloni abo. |
At the time of the American revolution, Catholics formed approximately 1.6% of the total American population of the original 13 colonies. |
Ngesikhathi sokuguqulwa kwamaMelika, amaKatolika akhiwa cishe ngo-1.6% wabantu baseMelika abaphelele bama koloni angu-13.
If Catholics were seen as potential enemies of the British state, Irish Catholics, subject to British rule, were doubly-damned. |
Uma amaKatolika ayebonakala njengezitha ezingaba yizimbangi zaseBrithani, amaKatolika ama-Irish, ngaphansi kokubusa kweBrithani, ayenziwa kabili.
In Ireland they had been subject to British domination. |
E-Ireland babephansi kokubusa kweBrithani.
In America Catholics were still forbidden from settling in some of the colonies. |
EmaMelika amaKatolika ayengavunyelwe ukuhlala kwezinye izindawo.
Although the head of their faith dwelt in Rome, they were under the official representation of the Catholic Bishop of the London diocese, one James Talbot. |
Nakuba inhloko yokholo lwazo ehlala eRoma, yayingaphansi kwesimemezelo esisemthethweni soMbhishobhi wamaKatolika waseLondon diocese, oyedwa uJames Talbot.
When War began, Bishop Talbot declared his faithfulness to the British Crown. |
Lapho iMpi iqala, uMbhishobhi uTalbot wamemezela ukwethembeka kwakhe eBritish Crown. |
(If he had done otherwise, Catholics in England would have been in trouble. Anti-Catholic sentiment still ran high.) |
(Uma bekwenzile okungenjalo, amaKatolika eNgilandi ayeyobe esenkingeni. Amazwi Anti Anti-Katolika aqhubeka ephakeme.)
He forbade any Colonial priest to serve Communion. |
Wabeka noma yimuphi umpristi wamaKoloni ukuba akhonze isidlo.
This made practice of the faith impossible. |
Lokhu kwenza umkhuba wokholo awunakwenzeka.
This created sympathy for the Colonial rebels. |
Lokhu kudala ukuzwelana kwabavukeli bamaKoloni.
The Continental Army's alliance with the French increased sympathy for the faith. |
Ukubambisana kwebutho lase-mbusweni laseFrance kwandisa ukuzwelana ngokholo.
When the French fleet arrived in Newport, Rhode Island, the colony repealed the Act of 1664 and allowed citizenship to Catholics. |
Lapho imikhumbi yaseFrance zifika eNewport, Rhode Island, ikoloni yashiya uMthetho we-1664 futhi yavumela ukuba abe yisakhamuzi kumaKatolika.
(This anticipated the provision of the Constitutional Bill of Rights which would strike anti-Catholic laws from the books.) |
(Lokhu kwakulindele ukuhlinzekwa koMthethosivivinywa wamaLungelo omThethosisekelo ozoshaya imithetho ye-anti-Katolika evela ezincwadini.) |
After the war, the Pope created an American Bishop, John Carroll -- a descendant of the same Carrolls who had helped found Maryland -- and an American Diocese communicating directly with Rome. |
Ngemuva kwempi, uPapa wakha uMbhishobhi waseMelika, uJohn Carroll - inzalo kaCarrolls ofanayo owaye wasiza wathola uMadland - neDeorgia yaseMelika ekhuluma ngqo neRoma.
The British government commanded General Thomas Gage to enforce the Intolerable Acts and shut down the Massachusetts legislature. |
Uhulumeni waseBrithani wayala uJenene Thomas Gage ukuba agcizelele izenzo ezingenakuxolisa futhi avimbe isishayamthetho saseMassachusetts.
Gage decided to confiscate a stockpile of colonial arms located in Concord. |
UGage wanquma ukuthatha izikhali zamakholoni ezitshinise eCondord.
On April 19, 1775, Gage's troops marched to Concord. |
Ngo-Ephreli 19, 1775, amasosha kaGage afika e-Concord. |
On the way, at the town of Lexington, Americans who had been warned in advance by Paul Revere and others of the British movements made an attempt to stop the troops. |
Endleleni, edolobheni laseLexington, amaMelika abaye baxwayiswa kusengaphambili nguPaul Revere kanye nabanye abahamba ngeBrithani bazama ukumisa amabutho. |
No one knows which side fired the first shot, but it sparked battle on Lexington Green between the British and the Minutemen. |
Akekho owaziyo ukuthi yiliphi uhlangothi oludubule ukudubula kokuqala, kodwa kwaholela empini eLexington Green phakathi kweBrithani neMinutemen.
Faced against an overwhelmingly superior number of British regular troops in an open field, the Minutemen were quickly routed. |
Ebhekane nenani eliphakeme kakhulu lamaBrithani avamile emasimini avulekile, iMinutemen yahlelwa ngokushesha.
Nevertheless, alarms sounded through the countryside. |
Noma kunjalo, ama-alamu akhalela emaphandleni.
The colonial militias poured in and were able to launch guerrilla attacks on the British while they marched on to Concord. |
Amabutho e-colonial azongena futhi akwazi ukuhlasela ukuhlasela kwama-guerrilla eBrithani ngenkathi behamba beya eConstord. |
The colonials amassed of troops at Concord. |
Amakholoni ahlangaisa amabutho eCompord.
They engaged the British in force there, and they were able to repulse them. |
Benza abaseBrithani bashaywe lapho, futhi bakwazi ukuwacindezela.
They then claimed the contents of the armory. |
Bese bazithathela ezinto zokuzivikela. |
The British retreated to Boston under a constant and withering fire from all sides. |
AbaseBrithani baphenduka babalekela eBoston ngaphansi kokukhala kwezikhali kusukela nxazonke. |
Only a reinforcing column with artillery support on the outskirts of Boston prevented the British withdrawal from becoming a total rout. |
ikholomu yokuqinisa izikhali zomkhondo ngaphandle kwaseBoston akuvimbela ukuhoxiswa kuphela kweBrithani ekubeni yinto ephelele. |
The following day the British woke up to find Boston surrounded by 20,000 armed colonists, occupying the neck of land extending to the peninsula the city stood on. |
Ngosuku olulandelayo abaseBrithani baphaphama ukuthola iBoston ehaqwe ngamakoloni angama-20 000 ahlomile, ephethe intamo yomhlaba eya e-peninsula idolobha limi.