French to English IATE terminology package

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The pricing of this glossary applies if you are an individual translator (or rather, if the file sets you order are used just by you and nobody else). If you are a translation agency or service provider and want to give more translators access to the glossary, please contact Henk Sanderson (the seller) to discuss a fair price scheme.

Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT-tools.

Price €14,50
Seller santrans Henk Sanderson
Language Pair French to English
Fields general
Term Concepts 1,346,811
Sales 39
Customer Feedback and Ratings unad21

I am really pleased with this TM. The file is very clean and it was really easy to install. I like that I have more than one choice for each word depending on context. The instructions that come with the file are clear to read and simple to follow. It took a bit of time to install as there is a lot of information. I made the mistake of not checking the file size, the instruction to do this is in red and very clear.

The pricing of this glossary applies if you are an individual translator (or rather, if the file sets you order are used just by you and nobody else).If however you represent a translation agency or service provider, please contact Henk Sanderson (the seller) to discuss a fair price scheme.

Packaged for your productivity

Why purchase this package when the data is freely available for download on theIATE site? Your time isvaluable, don't waste it spending endless hours trying to get what you need from the raw IATE download. For a small price this package offers you many benefits as a translator:

  • Files ready for import into Termbases and Translation memories of the main CAT programs like Trados Studio, DVX, CafeTran, memoQ, WordFast Classic/Pro and others
  • No need to deal with the daunting and time consuming task of handling and extracting language pairs from the full IATE database

New in June 2024 version:

  • As usual, many thousands of additions, deletions and modifications have occurred since my 2023 version

New in June 2023 version:

  • As usual, many thousands of additions, deletions and modifications have occurred since my 2022 version

New in May 2022 version:

  • This version does not any more contain obsolete or deprecated terms
  • IATE has added a new Domain Group with terms of the Court of Justice of the European Union; these 56,000 termEntries with 430,000 terms have now been included in my extractions

Data that has been meticulously cleaned and formatted for your benefit

The author of these files has spent a considerable amount of effort to clean up issues and problem areas found in the raw IATE download including:

  • Handling of synonyms – sometimes synonyms are strung together within one text record, separated by a semicolon or pipe symbol (|), sometimes they get separate text records
  • Context notes are sometimes inserted in the text record between square brackets, making recognition of the terms impossible; these notes are separately handled where possible.
  • The termbase as downloaded from IATE lists the Domain the subjects belong to in English only. These Domain names are now shown in the Target language of the Language pair, if possible. This may be especially interesting for users of the package who do not understand English.
  • The IATE termbase contains text entries varying from just one word or expression up to complete sentences, inclusive remarks and explanations; these longer text entries have no purpose in a termbase for a CAT tool, but are available for import into a Translation Memory.
  • Many of the first users complained about the occurrence of a lot of 1-, 2- and even 3-letter words; others did not want ACRONYMS and abbreviations in their termbase, or at least have the possibility to create separate termbases for these terms.
  • Latin and Multilingual terms, introduced earlier in IATE, have been added to both source- and target terms of the relevant entries. This is especially important for those working in botany, chemistry, law, trade, food…

What's included?

This package includes the following:

(all .csv, .tmx, .xml, .tbx are encoded in UTF-8, except for WordFast *TB.txt files which are coded in UTF-16LE)

  • CSV
    • *1ch*.*, *2ch*.*, *3ch*.*, *abb*.* files, containing 1-character, 2-character, 3-character and abbreviation/acronym terms only; note that terms added to the *abb* file may also be found in one of the other files. The reason for adding terms to these separate files is the possibility to add them into separate termbases in order to avoid overloading the main termbases with uninteresting short words.
  • ForDVX2/3and other not specifically targeted CAT tools
    • *TB.csv files for importing short strings (less than 4 words) into a Termbase
    • *TM.csv files for importing long strings (4 or more words) into a translation memory
    • *.dvtdt file containing the termbase definition for creating a DVX2 or DVX3 Termbase
  • ForWordFast
    • *TB.txt files for importing short strings into a Termbase (coded in UTF-16LE)
    • *TM.tmx files for importing long strings into a translation memory
  • ForTrados
    • .xdt file containing the termbase definition for the language pair; works with (SDL) Multiterm Desktop, versions 2011 and upwards
    • *TB*.xml files for importing short strings directly into a Studio Termbase, versions 2011 and upwards
    • *TM.tmx file for importing long strings directly into a Studio Translation Memory, versions 2011 and upwards
  • ForCafeTran
    • In CafeTran .csv files, synonyms within one Concept-ID of the IATE termbase will be output into one entry, separated by ‘;’.
    • The file IATE_CafeTranTM*.csv contains strings with 4 or more words.
    • The other CafeTran .csv-files contain the shorter strings.
  • FormemoQ
    • memoQ Custom field import scheme for the Translation memory: memoQ*TM-scheme.xml
    • memoQ*TM.tmx for filling the Translation memory with long strings
    • memoQ termbases can be filled with the IATE_[lang1]_[lang2]_TB.csv files
  • Forpackages where the IATE termbase contains at least 100,000 terms in each of the languages, a subset of files for the following domains:
    • Agriculture, Agri-foodstuffs and Environment
    • Employment And Working Conditions, Business And Competition, International Relations, Politics, European Union and International Organisations
    • Production, Energy and Industry
    • Law, Finance and Science
    • Social Questions and Education and Communications
    • Economics, Trade, Geography and Transport
  • A PDF document with detailed instructionson how to import the files into various CAT tools

Don’t have a credit card?

If you would like to purchase this file using PayPal, a SEPA bank transfer, iDeal (Dutch bank accounts), Bancontact (Belgian bank accounts), please order from there (or in the case of PayPal, please fill in the Contact form, including your wishes in the Message field.)

Special wishes like a Custom extraction (selected Domain Groups)?

Please visitSanTransand fill in the Contact form, including your wishes in the Message field.

The following specifies the right of SanTrans to use the IATE DATA: Note on copyright with respect to the data included in the files (from

Conditions for use

You are allowed to reproduce the data (provided on this page) for your personal needs, to distribute it for non-commercial and commercial purposes, and to make and distribute derivative works, provided the source is acknowledged as follows: Download IATE, European Union, [2024].

Conditions for end use by the buyer of the bilingual file sets

The buyer of the bilingual file sets created by SanTans by extraction from IATE DATA is entitled to use them for his own translation work. Redistribution (reselling, publicizing or any other form of multiplication) is expressly forbidden, unless agreed upon between buyer and SanTrans.