Unicode is an industry standard whose goal is to provide the means by which text of all forms and languages can be encoded for use by computers through a single character set. |
Unicode industriarako estandar bat da, bere eginkizuna karaktere multzo bakar baten bitartez forma eta hizkuntza guztietako testua ordenagailuek kodetzeko moduak eskaintzea da. |
Originally, text-characters were represented in computers using byte-wide data: each printable character (and many non-printing, or "control" characters) were implemented using a single byte each, which allowed for 256 characters total. |
Jatorriz, testu-karaktereak byte-mailako datuak erabiliz adierazten ziren ordenagailuetan: inprima daitekeen karaktere bakoitza (eta inprima ezin daitezkeenak edo "kontrol" karaktereak) byte bakarra erabiliz inplementatzen ziren, 256 karaktere onartzen zirelarik guztira. |
However, globalization has created a need for computers to be able to accommodate many different alphabets (and other writing systems) from around the world in an interchangeable way. |
Hala ere, globalizazioak ordenagailuei mundu osoko alfabeto ugari desberdin (eta beste idazkera-sistema batzuk) erabiltzea eragin die modu aldagarri batean. |
The old encodings in use included ASCII or EBCDIC, but it was apparent that they were not capable of handling all the different characters and alphabets from around the world. |
Erabiltzen ziren kodetze zaharren artean ASCII edo EBCDIC daude, baina begi-bistakoa zen ez zirela gai mundu osoko karaktere eta alfabeto desberdinak kudeatzeko. |
The solution to this problem was to create a set of "wide" 16-bit characters that would theoretically be able to accommodate most international language characters. |
Arazo honi aurre egiteko, 16 biteko karaktere zabalen multzo bat sortu zen, teorikoki, nazioarteko hizkuntzen karaktere gehienak erabiltzeko gai izango litzatekeena. |
This new charset was first known as the Universal Character Set (UCS), and later standardized as Unicode. |
Karaktere multzo hau «Karaktere multzo unibertsal» (ingelesez, «Universal Character Set —UCS—») gisa ezagutarazi zen hasiera batean, eta, ondoren, Unicode bezala araupetu zen. |
However, after the first versions of the Unicode standard it became clear that 65,535 (216) characters would still not be enough to represent every character from all scripts in existence, so the standard was amended to add sixteen supplementary planes of 65,536 characters each, thus bringing the total number of representable code points to 1,114,112. |
Ordea, Unicode estandarraren lehen bertsioen geroztik, argi geratu zen 65.535 (216) karaktere ez zirela nahikoa izango dauden idazkera guztietako karaktere bakoitza adierazteko, hortaz, estandarrari 65.536 karaktereko hamasei plano gehigarri gehitu zitzaizkion, adieraz daitezkeen kode-puntuen kopuru osoa 1.114.112 zifrara iritsi arte. |
To this date, less than 10% of that space is in use. |
Gaur egun arte, leku horren % 10 baino gutxiago erabili da. |