When preparing your advertisement, you should first define your product's Unique Selling Proposition (USP). |
Zure iragarkia prestatzerakoan, lehenengo eta behin zure produktuaren salmenta proposamen bakarra (USP) zehaztea komeni da. |
To find the USP, ask yourself "How is this product different?" |
USP aurkitzeko, galdeiozu zeure buruari "nola da produktu hau ezberdina?" |
Make a list of your product's pros and cons. |
Produktuak alde eta kontra zer duen zerrenda batean idatzi. |
This will help you think about what message you want your ad to send. |
Honek zure iragarkiak ematea nahi duzun mezua pentsatzen lagunduko dizu. |
Positioning is an attempt to place a product into a certain category in consumers' minds: "the best", for example (best deodorant, best soda, etc.) ("The best" is, however, extremely difficult to establish for a new brand). |
Posizionatzea da produktu bat kontsumitzaileen gogoan kategoria jakin batean jartzeko ahalegina: "onena", adibidez (desodorante hobea, freskagarri hobea, etab.) ("Onena", ordea, oso zaila da marka berri baterako ezartzea). |
Types of positioning are Against (eg, Hertz vs. Avis, 7-up vs. colas), Niche (a sub-division of a category), New, and Traditional. |
Hauek dira posizionamendu-motak: Kontra (adibidez, Hertz vs. Avis, 7-up vs. colas), Niche (kategoria bateko azpisailkapena), Berria, eta Tradizionala. |
A Brand Character Statement sets the tone for an entire campaign. |
Kanpaina osoaren tonua Marka Izaera Aitorpenak ezartzen du. |
A simple way to start preparing your advertisement is with this statement: "Advertising will ____A_____ ____B_____ that ____C_____ is ____D_____. Support will be ____E_____. Tone will be ____F_____." where A is a verb, B is a target demographic (such as, "girls between 14-18 years old"), C is your product, D is an adjective or phrase. |
Zure iragarkia prestatzen hasteko modu erraz bat honakoa da: "Iragarkiak __B__ ___C___ __D__ __A__ dela. __E__ laguntza izango da. Tonua __F__ izango da." non A aditz bat den, B helburu demografikoa (adibidez, "14-18 urte bitarteko neskak"), C zure produktua eta D adjetibo edo esaldi bat. |
E is what the meat of your ad will be. |
E izango da zure iragarkiaren mamia. |
F is your ad's "attitude". |
F zure iragarkiaren jarrerari dagokio. |
For example, "Advertising will convince artistic types age 18-35 that Apple computers are hip and cool. Support will be two men discussing Macs and PCs. Tone will be humorous." |
Adibidez, "Iragarkiak 18 eta 35 urte bitarteko arte-motei sinetsaraziko die Apple-en orgenagailuak modakoak eta cool-ak direla. Laguntza bi gizoneko izango dira, Mac eta PC-ei buruz eztabaidatzen. Tonua umoretsua izango da". |
Part B of this strategy statement is the target audience. |
Adierazen estrategiko honen B zatia publiko hartzailea da. |
Advertisers use many methods to gain information about this group, including demographics, psychographics (how the target thinks), and focus groups. |
Iragarleek hainbat metodo erabiltzen dituzte talde horri buruzko informazioa lortzeko, demografia, psikografia (helburuak nola pentsatzen duen) eta foko-taldeak barne. |
Part C is the product itself. |
C zatia produktua bera da. |
Advertisers spend time studying this as well. |
Iragarleek hau bera aztertzen ere denbora ematen dute. |
Important questions to ask are "Why would anybody buy this?" "What's the product's advantage?" and "What is the client's image?" |
Egin beharreko galdera garrantzitsuak dira: "Zergatik erosiko luke norbaitek hau?" "Zein da produktuaren abantaila?" eta "Zein da bezeroaren irudia?" |
The last one is important to consider in order to make sure that your ad doesn't jar with the public perception the company has created for itself. |
Azkena garrantzitsua da kontuan hartzea, iragarkiak ez dezan konpainiak bere buruarentzat sortu duen pertzepzio publikoa astindu. |
For example, hip or edgy ads probably won't go over well with a company that has a public image of being "conservative" and/or "family friendly." |
Esate baterako, hip edo edgy iragarkiak ez datoz bat "kontserbadore" edota "familia lagunkoi" irudi publikoa duen enpresa batekin. |