Business (or Strategic) management is the art, science, and craft of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. |
Quan ly chien luoc kinh doanh la nghe thuat, khoa hoc va ky nang kheo leo nham dinh hinh, thuc hien va danh gia nhung quyet dinh cua chuc nang cai ma se giup mot to chuc dat duoc nhung muc dich lau dai cua to chuc do. |
It is the process of specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs. |
No la mot tien trinh chi ro ra su menh, tam nhin va muc dich cua to chuc do, phat trien cac chinh sach va ke hoach, thong thuong nhung chnh sach la nhung du an va chuong trinh cai ma duoc tao nen de dat duoc nhung muc dich do, va sau do phan bo nhung nguon luc de thuc hien chinh sach va ke hoach, du an va cac chuong trinh. |
Strategic management seeks to coordinate and integrate the activities of the various functional areas of a business in order to achieve long-term organizational objectives. |
Viec quan ly chien luoc nham dieu phoi va tap hop nhung hoat dong cua nhung linh vuc co chuc nang khac nhau nham dat duoc muc dich lau dai cua to chuc |
A balanced scorecard is often used to evaluate the overall performance of the business and its progress towards objectives. |
Mot cong cu bang diem can bang thuong duoc su dung nham danh gia tong the hoat dong cua to chuc va tien do thuc hien doi voi nhung muc tieu da duoc dinh ra |
Strategic management is the highest level of managerial activity. |
Quan ly chien luoc la 1 hoat dong quan ly o cap cao nhat |
Strategies are typically planned, crafted or guided by the Chief Executive Officer, approved or authorized by the Board of directors, and then implemented under the supervision of the organization's top management team or senior executives. |
Chien luoc quan ly thuong duoc lien ke hoach, soan thao va huong dan boi Giam Doc Dieu Hanh (CEO), va duoc thong qua va uy quyen cua ban Giam Doc, va sau do duoc thuc hien duoi su giam sat cua Ban Quan Ly cao nhat hoac nhung Dieu Hanh Vien Cap Cao cua to chuc |
Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and is closely related to the field of Organization Studies. |
Quan ly chien luoc dua ra viec chi dao tong the cho doanh nghiep va no duoc lien quan chat che voi linh vuc nghien cua cua to chuc |
In the field of business administration it is useful to talk about "strategic alignment" between the organization and its environment or "strategic consistency". |
Trong linh vuc quan ly kinh doanh no duoc ban luan mot cach huu ich nham de cap toi Su Lien ket Chien Thuat giua to chuc va moi truong kinh doanh cua to chuc do hoac su nhat quan cua chien luoc. |
According to Arieu (2007), "there is strategic consistency when the actions of an organization are consistent with the expectations of management, and these in turn are with the market and the context." |
Theo Arieu (2007) thi chien luoc kinh doanh se co khi nhung ke hoach kinh doanh cua to chuc do phu hop voi nhung ke qua de ra cua ban quan ly, va nguoc lai thi no cung phu hop voi thi truong va noi dung da duoc dat ra |