Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected as natural and legal rights in municipal and international law. |
Insan haklari belli insan davranislarinin standardlarini tanimlayan ahlaki prensip yada kurallardir, ve ulkesel ayni zamanda uluslararasi hukukta dogal ve kanuni haklar olarak duzenli bir sekilde korunmaktadir. |
They are commonly understood as inalienable, fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being" and which are "inherent in all human beings", regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. |
Bu haklar, genel olarak, kisinin dogustan, sadece insan oldugu icin sahip oldugu, geri alinamaz, temel haklar seklinde anlasilmaktadir, ve kisilerin ait oldugu ulke, yasadigi yer, lisan, din, etnik kimlik ve herhangi diger statusu dikkate alinmadan sahip olunan dogal haklardir. |
They are applicable everywhere and at every time in the sense of being universal, and they are egalitarian in the sense of being the same for everyone. |
Insan haklari her yerde her zaman evrensel anlamda uygulanabilir, ve herkes icin ayni olmasi nedeniyle esitleyicidir. |
They are regarded as requiring empathy and the rule of law and imposing an obligation on persons to respect the human rights of others, and it is generally considered that they should not be taken away except as a result of due process based on specific circumstances;for example, human rights may include freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture and execution. |
Empati ve hukukun ustunlugunu gerektiren, ve kisilere diger kisilerin haklarina saygi duymalarini zorunlu kildiran haklar olarak dusunulur. |
The doctrine of human rights has been highly influential within international law, global and regional institutions. |
Insan haklari doktirini uluslararasi hukuk, kuresel ve bolgesel kurumlar nezninde, oldukca etkili olmustur. |
Actions by states and non-governmental organisations form a basis of public policy worldwide. |
Devletler ve devlet muessesi disindaki sivil örgütlerin eylemleri dünya çapında bir halk politikasının temelini oluşturmaktadır. |
The idea of human rights suggests that "if the public discourse of peacetime global society can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights". |
Insan haklari dusuncesi der ki, eger baris zamani kuresel toplumun halk soylemi, genel bir ahlaki lisana sahibi olacaksa, bu insan haklari olmalidir. |
The strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights continue to provoke considerable scepticism and debates about the content, nature and justifications of human rights to this day. |
Insan haklari doktirininin guclu iddialari, gunumuze kadar insan haklarinin icerigi, dogasi ve hakliligi konularinda tartismalari kayda deger duzeyde alevlendirmistir. |
The precise meaning of the term right is controversial and is the subject of continued philosophical debate; while there is consensus that human rights encompasses a wide variety of rights such as the right to a fair trial, protection against enslavement, prohibition of genocide, free speech or a right to education (including the right to comprehensive sexuality education, among others), there is disagreement about which of these particular rights should be included within the general framework of human rights; some thinkers suggest that human rights should be a minimum requirement to avoid the worst-case abuses, while others see it as a higher standard. |
"Hak' teriminin kesin anlami anlasmazliga neden olmustur ve suregelen felsefik tartismalarin konusudur; Insan haklarinin, ornegin adil yargilanma, kolelestirmeye karsi koruma, soykirimin yasaklanmasi, konusma ozgurlugu veya egitim hakki (bunlarin arasinda kapsamli cinsel egitim) konulari gibi, genis bir haklar yelpazesini kapsadigi konusunda fikir birligi olmasina ragmen, bu haklardan hangilerinin genel insan haklari cercevesine alinmasi gerektigi konusunda fikir anlasmazligi vardir; bazi dusunurler insan haklarinin en kotu suistimalleri onlemek icin minimum gereklilikler olmasini onerirken, digerleri insan haklarini yuksek bir standard olarak gormektedir. |
In the light of emerging neurotechnologies, four new rights were identified: the right to cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to psychological continuity. |
Ortaya cikan noroteknolojiler isiginda, dort yeni hak belirlenmistir: bilişsel özgürlük hakkı, zihinsel mahremiyet hakkı, zihinsel bütünlük hakkı ve psikolojik devamlılık hakkı. |