The quiet game is a children's game where children must stay quiet. |
El joc del silenci és un joc per a infants que consisteix a estar callats. |
Stillness is sometimes a rule but in most cases not. |
Alguna vegada, no gire sovint, també es posa la norma d'estar-se quiet. |
The last child or team to make noise wins the game. |
L'últim infant o equip que faci algun soroll guanya. |
It is usually acceptable for players to make sounds they cannot control, such as sneezing whereas talking would cause a player to get out. |
Normalment, els sons incontrolables com els estornuts estan permesos. Mentre que parlar suposa quedar eliminat. |
The game is often played indoors, typically in classrooms. |
Aquest joc acostuma a jugar-se a l'interior, sobretot a l'aula. |
It can also be played outdoors, for instance, at summer camps. |
Tot i que també s'hi pot jugar a l'exterior, com per exemple en campaments d'estiu. |
One application of the game is for parents to keep their loud children quiet for a long journey. |
Aquest joc el poden fer servir els pares i les mares per tenir els infants callats durant un trajecte llarg. |
It is often used as a social discipline. |
S'utilitza com a mètode de disciplina social. |
There is no writing to others in the silent game because it would count as talking to others. |
Mentre dura el joc no es poden escriure notes perquè compta com si es parlés. |
The objective of the game is to get opponents to giggle or talk by any means necessary. |
L'objectiu és aconseguir com sigui que els rivals riguin o parlin. |
This can include but is not limited to making funny faces and gentle tickling. |
Ja sigui fent ganyotes o pessigolles lleus. |
A person cannot make another make noise by inflicting bodily harm. |
El que no està permès és fer mal perquè l'altre es queixi. |
There are many versions of this game, but nonetheless follow the same general rules: one who talks is immediately eliminated (laughing included), eventually isolating the winner at the end. |
Hi ha diverses versions d'aquest joc, però, en general, totes segueixen les mateixes normes: si algú parla (o riu) queda immediatament eliminat i s'acaba el joc quan el guanyador es queda sol. |
Sometimes it is played with the words in the dictionary instead of all sounds. |
De vegades s'hi juga descartant algunes paraules del diccionari en comptes de fer guardar silenci absolut. |