The term hack has several related meanings in the technology and computer science fields. |
Termin hack ima par povezanih znacenja u polju tehnologije i kompjuterskih znanosti. |
It may refer to a clever or quick fix to a computer program problem, or to what may be perceived to be a clumsy or inelegant (but usually relatively quick) solution to a problem. |
MOze se odnositi na mudro ili brzo popravljanje problema kompjuterskog programa, ili na nesto sto moze biti posmatrano kao nespretno ili neelegatno (ali obicno relativno brzo ) rjesenje problema. |
The term is also used to refer to a modification of a program or device to give the user access to features that were otherwise unavailable. |
Termin se takodje koristi da oznaci modifikacije programa ili uredjaja dajuci korisnicima pristup funkcijama koje su inace nedostupne. |
Most networks start off with poor security. |
Vecina mreza startra sa slabom sigurnosti. |
But over time, with patches, network security does increase. |
Ali s vremenom, sa zakrpama, mrezna sigurnost se povecava. |
At this point, a hacker that has gotten use of a certain system may be lose their additional access for a while. |
U ovom trenutku, haker koji ima pristup odredjenom sistemu mogao bi uzrokovati da drugi izgube dodatni pristup na neko vrijeme. |
But usual the hacker goes on to find new holes. |
Ali inace haker nastavlja da dalje trazi nove rupe u sistemu. |
There is only so much an admin can disable on your computer before it becomes no use to anyone. |
Admin moze osigurati vas sistem do te mjere kada postaje beskoristan za druge korisnike. |
To get access to a network, a hacker can use whatever programs are on a computer. |
Da bi dobio pristup mrezi, haker moze koristiti bilo koji program koji se nalazi na kompjuteru. |
. If you are a student then you will undoubtedly have programs that aid in study, such as Notepad, MS Word, PowerPoint and others. |
Ako si student onda nedvojbeno imas programe koji pomazu u ucenju kao Notepad, MS Word, PowerPoint i druge. |
All these programs can be used to the hackers advantage. |
Svi ovi programi mogu biti iskoristeni u korist hakera. |
On this page of the book we will discuss how educational computers are hacked to take access of student files and data. |
Na ovoj stranici knjige cemo diskutovati kako kompjuteri za edukaciju mogu biti hakovani da bi se dobio pristup informacijama i podacima studenta. |
By knowing these hacks, administrators and teachers will be better able to spot when students are hacking into networks. |
Poznavajuci ove metode hakovanja, administratori i ucitelji ce moci bolje da uoce kad studenti hakuju mrezu. |