Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum. |
Imfundo Engakahleleki yitemu elijwayelekile lemfundo engenzeka ngaphandle kwekharikhulamu ehlelekile. |
Informal Education encompasses student interests within a curriculum in a regular classroom, but is not limited to that setting. |
Imfundo Engakahleleki ihlanganisa izithakazelo zabafundi ngaphakathi kwekharikhulamu ekilasini elivamile, kodwa ayipheleli kuleso silungiselelo. |
It works through conversation, and the exploration and enlargement of experience. |
Isebenza ngengxoxo, kanye nokuhlola nokwandisa ulwazi |
Sometimes there is a clear objective link to some broader plan, but not always. |
Kwesinye isikhathi kuba khona isixhumanisi senhloso esicacile sohlelo oluthile olubanzi, kodwa hhayi njalo. |
The goal is to provide learners with the tools he or she needs to eventually reach more complex material. |
Umgomo uwukunikeza abafundi amathuluzi abawadingayo ukuze bagcine befinyelele izinto eziyinkimbinkimbi. |
It can refer to various forms of alternative education, such as: Unschooling or homeschooling, Autodidacticism (Self-teaching), Youth work, and Informal learning |
Ingabhekisela ezinhlotsheni ezihlukahlukene zemfundo ehlukile, njengalezi: Ukungafundi noma ukufunda ekhaya, i-Autodidacticism (Ukuzifundisa), Umsebenzi wentsha, nokufunda okungahlelekile.
Informal Education consists of accidental and purposeful ways of collaborating on new information.[2] |
Imfundo Engakahleleki ihlanganisa izindlela zephutha nezinenjongo zokusebenzisana ngolwazi olusha. |
It can be discussion based and focuses on bridging the gaps between traditional classroom settings and life outside of the classroom. |
Kungaba okusekelwe engxoxweni futhi kugxile ekuvaleni izikhala phakathi kwezinhlelo zekilasi elivamile kanye nempilo ngaphandle kwekilasi. |
People interpret information differently, and therefore a structured curriculum may not allow all learners to understand the information. |
Abantu bahumusha ulwazi ngendlela ehlukile, ngakho-ke ikharikhulamu ehlelekile ingase ingabavumeli bonke abafundi ukuthi baqonde ulwazi. |
Informal education is less controlled than the average classroom setting, which is why informal education can be so powerful. |
Imfundo engakahleleki ilawulwa kancane kunesimo sekilasi elijwayelekile, yingakho imfundo engekho emthethweni ingaba namandla kangaka. |
Informal education can help individuals learn to react to and control different situations and settings. |
Imfundo engakahleleki ingasiza abantu ngabanye ukuthi bafunde ukusabela nokulawula izimo nempilo ehlukahlukene. |
In addition, it combines social entities that are important for learning. |
Ngaphezu kwalokho, ihlanganisa izinhlangano zomphakathi ezibalulekile ekufundeni. |
Informal Education may be viewed as the learning that comes as a part of being involved in youth and community organizations. |
Imfundo Engakahleleki ingase ibhekwe njengokufunda okuza njengengxenye yokuzibandakanya entsheni nasezinhlanganweni zomphakathi. |
This type of education is a spontaneous process, which helps people to learn information in a new way. |
Lolu hlobo lwemfundo luyinqubo ezenzakalelayo, esiza abantu ukuba bafunde ulwazi ngendlela entsha. |
Its helps to cultivate communities, associations and relationships that make for a positive learning environment. |
Kuyasiza ukuhlakulela imiphakathi, izinhlangano kanye nobudlelwano obenza indawo yokufunda enhle. |
Informal Education: |
Imfundo engakahleleki: |
- Looks to create or deepen situations where people can learn, explore and enlarge experiences, and make changes. |
- Ibheke ukwakha noma ukuqguqguzela izimo lapho abantu bengafunda khona, bahlole futhi bandise ukuzizwisa, futhi benze izinguquko. |
- Provides an environment where everyone can learn together and can scaffold off of one another. |
-Inikeza indawonlapho bonke abantu bangakwazi ukufunda ndawonye futhi bafunde omunye komunye. |
- Understanding that the activity can be based on any form of learning, the teaching does not have to be deliberate, more so implied. |
- Ngokuqonda ukuthi umsebenzi ungagxila kunoma yiluphi uhlobo lokufunda, ukufundisa akudingekile ukuba kwenziwe ngamabomu, kucace kakhulu.
We give students the tools to do complex materials over time, rather than teaching the complex material and then giving the tools. |
Sinikeza abafundi amathuluzi okwenza izinto eziyinkimbinkimbi ngokuhamba kwesikhathi, kunokufundisa izinto eziyinkimbinkimbi bese benikeza amathuluzi.
- Focuses on the social aspects of learning, and how important collaborative learning is. |
- Igxile ezicini zezenhlalo zokufunda, nokuthi kubaluleke kangakanani ukufunda ngokubambisana.
- The tools students are given are tangible for the processes in which they will be applied. |
- Amathuluzi abafundi abawanikezwayo ayabonakala ezinqubweni abazosetshenziswa kuzo.
- Bridges the gap between school and life. |
- Ivala igebe phakathi kwesikole nempilo.
- Allows students a choice in learning, and how to approach the material. |
- Ivumela abafundi ukukhetha ekufundeni, nendlela yokubhekana nayo.
- Make learning accessible in every day life and in the future. |
- Yenza ukufunda kufinyeleleke ekuphileni kwansuku zonke nasesikhathini esizayo. |
- Informal Education is driven by conversation and interacting with others. |
- Imfundo Engakahleleki iqhutshwa ingxoxo nokuxhumana nabanye.